We are officially in times of eclipse, and this year the Earth undergoes a partial solar eclipse on a very special day (especially for the most superstitious): Friday, 13th. is the first Friday 13th solar eclipse in more than 40 years, but it's also a supermoon – spooky!
According to Space.com, an eclipse season is a period of about a month in which eclipses are possible on new and full moon because of the way the moon is orbiting around the Sun. We have, on average, two seasons of eclipses a year that occur at just under six months apart.
The partial solar eclipse of July 2018 begins at 1:48 UT
<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " CONNECTION: How the new and full moons of each month on the calendar affect your love Life and relationships " data-reactid = "28"> RELATED: How new and full moons of each month on the calendar affect your love Life and relationships
What is a partial solar eclipse? ] If you can remember all the way back to August 2017, you will remember that we had an amazing solar eclipse crossing the United States. It was a total eclipse, meaning that the moon was crossing directly the path of the sun leaving just a small ray of sun visible to those who were in its path. Remember how dark this darkness is
The July 2018 eclipse is a bit different as a partial solar eclipse. According to Time, this means that "the moon passes almost directly between the sun and the Earth", so the moon will not completely block the sunlight.
What's a supermoon?
The eclipse of Friday the 13th also happens to be a supermoon, the rare moment when the moon seems bigger and brighter than usual. According to National Geographic, a supermoon occurs when the full moon is at its closest point to the earth on the opposite side of the earth than the sun.
In this case, it is a new moon, which is the first phase of the moon. Typically, we can not see a new moon because daylight is brighter than what is reflected on the moon. Fortunately for some, during the partial solar eclipse, the moon will intersect between the sun and the earth, making it visible to the naked eye
<p class = "canvas-atom web-text Mb ( 1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" CONNECTION: How the New Moon of July 2018 in Cancer Will Affect Your Life and Relationships "data-reactid =" 35 "> CONNECTION: How the New Moon of July 2018 in Cancer Affects Your Love Life and Relationships
How to See the Partial Solar Eclipse of Friday the 13th
All it sounds incredible, right? Well, here is the bad news. Unless you are in a part of Australia, New Zealand or Antarctica, you can go ahead and get those eclipse viewers away.
Space.com reports that the eclipse will be best seen on the ocean between Australia and Antarctica. Those living on land in Hobart, Tasmania, will see about 10% of the eclipse, while those in Melbourne, Australia and the southern tip of New Zealand may also see a little of the eclipse
. land view, you will have to be near the Casey Research Station in Antarctica.
If you still want to follow the path of the eclipse but you do not exactly find a flight to Antarctica, you can check it online (yay, internet
What is the significance of the solar eclipse of the new moon in astrology?
Even if you can not see the partial solar eclipse, it does not mean that the new moon will not affect you (if you believe in it). 39, astrology, c.)
This new moon will debut in the zodiac sign Cancer, putting your domestic life at the forefront.The eclipse of the new moon means that you will face a new beginning surrounding your family life, both physical and emotional.
The energy of cancer will help you to get in touch with you personally and will give you the intuition to know how to be time to give something in. But remember, when a door is closed, another s & #
When is the next solar eclipse?
If you miss the solar eclipse this month, no worries. National Geographic reports that a partial solar eclipse (much more visible) will be visible in less than a month. On August 11, 2018, Northern and Eastern Europe, the northern parts of North America and the western parts of Asia will have the chance to see an eclipse.
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<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mo (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Micki Spollen is a writer, writer and traveler from YourTango, follow her on Instagram and follow her travels on her website " data-reactid = "48"> Micki Spollen is an editor, a writer and a YourTango traveler. Follow her on Instagram and follow her travels on her website
Keywords: astrology, eclipse, solar eclipse, supermoon, partial solar eclipse, solar eclipse of the new moon
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