Why should you shop small and local this Christmas


I was expecting to write this after visiting my first Christmas market of the year. I wanted to see if what I thought about small shopping, local shopping, was true.

For a long time, I had the intention of moving away from "big" stores at Christmas. We were there, my friend and I, accompanied by our children as we embarked on our #shopsmall adventure.

I was not disappointed because we walked and marveled from one booth to another, so here are my top five reasons to #shopsmall this holiday season.

1. Community in full swing

When you shop for Christmas on a small scale, it becomes a party experience, says Abi Copley, seen here with her husband Tim and their son Aldous Flynn.


When you shop for Christmas on a small scale, it becomes a party experience, says Abi Copley, seen here with her husband Tim and their son Aldous Flynn.

The first thing that struck me was the wave of noise and excitable energy in the room. Some had come with friends, others had made it a family affair and some were alone enjoying the experience.

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The only thing we all shared? The joy of celebrating and feasting in the community feels. I can not say that I've ever had that feeling of running in department stores or fighting treasure in the mall.

It's not just "in real life" where this sense of community warms our hearts and gives a flowing festive sensation.

Markets are now a common feature online and sites such as Liked by Becky offer a thriving digital community where you can shop in the comfort of your sofa. eggnog by hand.

2. "When you buy in a small business, a real person makes a happy little dance."

I've often seen this quote recently, and it's so true. Whenever someone asks me to write a text, be it big or small, my heart will fly away.

Sales and numbers are not just numbers for us small business owners. They are a reflection of our hopes and dreams. They confirm that the courageous steps we took to launch from the ground were the right ones.

Each time you click on "Add to Cart", you pay for it. Not only will you receive a wonderful gift, a service that will make your life easier or a special treat for yourself, but you will support another person or family.

Christmas markets can be a good place to find handmade gifts and support independent retailers.


Christmas markets can be a good place to find handmade gifts and support independent retailers.

3. Overall footprint

Last December, Christmas Kiwi expenses reached a record of 178 transactions per second. It's an unimaginable amount of money in a time frame that makes me turn my head.

We are all more and more aware of our global presence in food, travel and the content of our products. However, to what extent do we really consider the effect of Christmas shopping on our resources and our poor old Mother Earth?

The huge amount of plastic that we order to God knows where is in a laughable amount of packaging. He has already traveled more kilometers than we could count before stopping under our trees.

When you make small purchases, you really become responsible for the impact of your festive purchases. You can talk to the creator and learn more about where his items come from.

More importantly, these homeowners often make ethical choices that can only benefit our resources that run out fast.

Shopping small is not about giving up gifts completely.


Shopping small is not about giving up gifts completely.

4. Discover creativity

Now that we engage with each other on issues such as making ethical choices, we find an inspiring diversity in what is created.

The rise of biological fabrics or reusable items has shed new light on products that would have been offered as gifts.

However, it's not just new items that go into the #shopsmall movement.

The creative talent I see in the small business community and online markets is staggering. By buying small, you actively encourage these discoveries and help create a space for other emerging ideas to take shape.

5. Bring back the essence of Christmas


DIY: Beaded wooden star

Christmas is a crazy time of year and seems to be becoming more and more extreme. It's not difficult to find a parent being harassed and panicked in the mall. You have to ask yourself, what's the point? What is Christmas really about?

Does it mean to buy the most expensive gift or to have the biggest pile under the tree?

Do not get me wrong, I love giving gifts and I love to receive, and that will not change.

By saying this, a well chosen gift with a personal touch means more than anything that has been purchased in a shelf of a department store.

That's what you get when you shop small.

You find these unique pieces. You find gifts with a story behind them, the people behind them. Christmas shopping becomes a holiday experience; not just something to endure on a crazy Saturday.

Whether you're visiting an online store or heading to a market, you're taking a step forward to bring Christmas back to reality. the people, the community, the family.

So there you have it. My five reasons for #shopsmall this Christmas. I do not know about you, but I feel a skinny pie and the hundredth rewatch of Elf J & # 39; s coming!

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