Woman, horror, detail, date, match, where, pic, her, drink, strangled


Online dating applications such as Tinder and Bumble are used quite frequently in the dating world, but many dangers are hidden when it comes to meeting a person for the first time in real life.

Kate *, a Melbourne woman, started using the app five years ago to find her better half, but she ended up having some nightmarish dates – including a vile predatory predator and a man giving her some Alcohol and the aggressor, she told Whimn.

She met who she thought was a normal boy on Tinder, but after the catfishing fiasco, she made sure that this time it was the real deal.

"After a few games lost, including a game that revealed a vile predator, I'm a little shaken and I thought I would set up safe dating practices," Kate said.

"My pre-date checklist included, but was not limited to, a thorough analysis of any potential suitor's online profiles, carefully crafted messages to catch inconsistencies, as well as a phone call or two before we get organized to meet the person.

"Victor jumped into all these obstacles and passed, so I decided to meet that Tinder match in person at a bar for our first date.Unfortunately, I was about to discover that my checklist had a huge blind spot. "

When she met him for the first time, she realized that he had been lying about her height. As she got closer, she realized that he was not as handsome as he claimed.

"The little white lies may be big red flags for some, but I insisted," she said.

After saying their awkward greetings, Victor offered to buy a drink from Kate.

"Now, most of the time, common sense leads me to stay pretty strict next to someone who orders me drinks, but, sitting at a table not far from the bar, he was at hand and at the time, I figured that was enough, "she said.

A few minutes after her return, Kate realized that there was no connection between them and did not want a second appointment.

"He had a very stern and domineering attitude that made me think that he was a total control freak and that this is not someone I would be fine with." "said Kate.

"Not back to coming forward, this black-haired man was already talking about how he wanted a woman to be at home barefoot and pregnant, and his sincerity showed that it was clear that he was not going anywhere. he was not joking. "

Halfway to the date, she got up with her bag to go to the bathroom and that's when things turned south.

"Before taking my first step, I felt Victor's hand take me on the wrist." Stop it, leave it here, "he said, surprised, and I asked him," Sorry, what? "Your bag," he says, "your bag stays with me," says Kate.

"In my head thought:" No, this is not the case. Who does he think he is? "But the moment was so unexpected that I behaved in a very cute and non-confrontational way and said," Oh, I'm a girl, I have to powder my nose. "He did not buy it .

He continued to hold his wrist, even though she begged him to let go.

"I did not want to play too much with the victim, it was a strange internal struggle that I had trying to deal with because he had become an annoying abuser in seconds," she said.

"He ignored my request." He stood up and said: "You're not going anywhere." He then ran his hand around my throat and pushed me away. the wall behind me and started strangling me, his other hand still holding my wrist. "

In a few seconds, two security guards rushed and told him to let go.

"Victor always turned me to my neck and said," This is my whore. Everything's going good here. You can go, "she said.

"Before my eyes started to cry, he was physically ripped off and, while the bouncers were pushing him toward the door, he spat on one of them."

Security then returned to Kate and offered to escort her to her vehicle and call the police. Kate politely refused but ended up going to the police station on the way home.

After the police collected their statement, images of the CCTV were provided to the police. Kate was shocked if she missed.

"Captured in front of the camera was the right moment after Victor bought our drinks at the bar and, before returning to the table, he dropped a powder in my champagne glass," Kate explained.

"While he handed it to me as if it were sparkling, I was not any wiser; it was only because it was such an undesirable company that I did not know it. I did not really want to become happy and that I had about three sips. "

Subsequently, the police stated that Victor was a person of interest to them after receiving a number of similar complaints from women, of whom he was held captive at his home.

"I deleted Tinder after this incident and, thankfully, I never heard from Victor," she said.

* The names have changed for reasons of confidentiality.

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