
  1. Does football come home?
  2. Brazil qualifies for the quarter-finals with Mexico
  3. Belgium faces the last eight after defeating Japan
  4. Morph.toInit.bundles.push (function () {Morph.versions [“[email protected]”] = {"bbc-morph-app-gateway": "1.0.3", "bbc-morph-classnames": "1.0.2", "bbc-morph-cookie-config": "1.1.2", "bbc -morph-cs-rich-post ":" 1.1.15 "," bbc-morph-dynamic-feature-toggles ":" 1.1.1 "," bbc-morph-gel-icons ":" 3.0.0 ", "bbc-morph-platform": "5.1.1", "bbc-morph-image-head-url-transformer": "2.1.0", "bbc-morph-isequal": "1.0.0", "bbc -morph-lazysizes ":" 0.2.3 "," bbc-morph-lx-advertisements ":" 1.0.4 "," bbc-morph -lx-commentary-data-paged ":" 1.0.25 "," bbc -morph-lx-ist ats ":" 1.1.3 "," bbc-morph-lx-reactions ":" 1.4.7 "," bbc-morph-time-ws-timezone-wrapper ":" 1.0.2 "," bbc-morph-news-translations ":" 2.2.2 "," bbc-morph-responsive-image-srcset ":" 1.4.0 "," bbc-morph-sharing-tools ":" 4.2.11 "," bbc-morph-smp ":" 2.12.6 "," bbc-mor ph-ws-typography-info ":" 1.0.6 "," morph-container ":" 4.0.0 "," morph-require ":" 3.0.17 "," react ":" 0.14.7 "," react-dom ":" 0.14.7 "};
    ! function (e) {function t (r) {if (n [r]) return n [r] .exports; var o = n [r] = {i: r, l :! 1, exports: {}}; return e [r] .call (o.exports, o, o.exports, t), ol =! 0, o.exports} var n = {}; tm = e, tc = n, td = function (e, n, r) {to (e, n) || Object.defineProperty (e, n, {configurable :! 1, enumerable:! 0, get: r})}, tn = function (e) {var n = e && e .__ esModule? function () {return e.default}: function () {return e}; returns td (n, "a", n), n}, = function (e, t) {return Object.prototype .hasOwnProperty.call (e, t)}, tp = "", t (ts = 95) } ([function(e,t){e.exports=React},function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e,t,n,r,o,a,i,s){if(!e){var u;if(void 0===t)u=new Error(“Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.”);else{var l=[n,r,o,a,i,s] c = 0; u = new error (t.replace (/% s / g, function ()) {return l [c++]})), u.name = "Invariant Violation"} throw u. framesToPop = 1, u}} e.exports = r}, function (e, t, n) {"use strict"; var r = n (6), where o = r; e.exports = o}, function (e, t, n) {"use strict"; function r (e, t) {if (null == e) run new TypeError ("Target Object.assign can not be null or undefined"); for (var n = Object (e), r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o = 1; o <arguments.length; o ++) {var a = arguments [o]; if (null! = A) {var i = Object (a); for (var s in i) r.call (i, s) && (n [s] = i [s])}} return n} e.exports = r}, function (e, t, n) {"use strict"; var r =! ("Undefined" == typeof window ||! Window.document ||! Window.document.createElement), o = {canUseDOM: r, canUseWorkers: "undefined"! = typeof Worker, canUseEventListeners: r &&! (! window.addEventListener &&! window.attachEvent), canUseViewport: r && !! window.screen, isInWorker:! r}; e.exports = o}, function (e, t, n) {"use strict"; function r (e, t) {for (var n = Math.min (e.length, t.length), r = 0; r <n; r ++) if (e.charAt (r)! == t .charAt (r)) returns r; return e.length === t.length? -1: n} function o (e) {return e? e.nodeType === B? e.documentElement: e.firstChild: null} function a (e) {var t = o (e); returns t && G.getID (t)} function i (e) {var t = s (e); if (t) if (F.hasOwnProperty (t)) {var n = F
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