Z Energy and Permanent Forests in the Carbon Credit Partnership


Z Energy will spend $ 1.5 million this year on forestry projects to voluntarily offset emissions from its fuel delivery operations.

The company claims that it represents the largest voluntary purchase of permanent forest sink units observed in New Zealand. Gerri Ward, Z's Sustainability Manager, said her company was committed to reducing carbon emissions by 30% by 2020 and to compensate for those she could not avoid.

The compensation system covers the impact of fuel transportation the country by road and sea, business trips and electricity. She does not cover the cost of offsetting the fuel emissions that she sells, which she says has been estimated at $ 70 million.

Ward said the company did not want to overestimate his green credentials.

Permanent Carbon Forests Consultants NZ (PFNZ), specializing in the aggregation, marketing and sale of New Zealand's forest carbon credits on behalf of registered forest owners under the umbrella of the United States. Permanent Forest Wells Initiative

"The integrity of our offsets is absolutely paramount. We know that we are getting authentic results that we can
accept, "she says.

The chief executive of PFNZ, Ollie Belton, said several possible participants. in the [1945-19005] voluntary carbon market were discouraged by its complexity, the lack of links between the markets for compliance and voluntary, and the shortage of permanent carbon offsets available.

"This agreement with Z will undoubtedly cause others to sit down and take note, and lead to more land committed to long-term carbon conservation."

Z carbon emissions, including those of business travel, retail electricity, coastal emissions, and transporters reach about 58,000 tons of CO2-e (carbon dioxide equivalent
) per year. At an average cost of about $ 25 per ton, this represents an annual cost of about $ 1.5 million a year

. In parallel with the offset program, Z also continues to reduce the intensity of its carbon activity
. Z's biodiesel plant in Wiri is operational – although it does not produce commercial quantities, and the company has increased its investments in Mevo, a Wellington-based electricity transmission company [19659011]. [ad_2]
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