Next-gen console scalper squad thwarted as retailer cancels 1,000 Xbox Series X orders


By Alex Calvin, Wednesday 2 December 2020 11:45 GMT

Scumbag dustbags get what they deserve!

A group of scalping that has already landed thousands of PlayStation 5 consoles has been done a bit of justice.

CrepChiefNotify took to Instagram to boast that it got over a thousand Xbox Series X consoles from a “well-known retailer.” That stock appears to have come from Very, who told Sky News that the scalping group has found a way around the limit of one console per store address.

As a result, Very canceled all orders.

“Due to a technical error, some people were able to place orders for PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles for a short time on Sunday,” the retailer told Sky News.

“However, these items are not for sale and affected customers have been notified that orders have been canceled. We apologize for the confusion caused. “

The group had previously managed to score 2,472 PlayStation 5 consoles when the material was released in the UK on November 19. This was in addition to “just under 1,000” pre-orders he made in September.

Users have to pay £ 29.99 per month to use CrepChiefNotify or £ 399.99 for a lifetime subscription. The group uses bots to help users find inventory and avoid waiting times so their members can quickly grab what they want.

PlayStation 5 consoles are now selling for up to £ 990 on platforms like Ebay, while Xbox Series X machines sell for north of £ 700.

Following its global launch on November 10, Microsoft’s Phil Spencer revealed that he has sold more Series X / S consoles upon release than any other Xbox hardware to date.

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