NFL players and LeBron James react on Twitter to DeAndre Hopkins’ Hail Mary game-winning touchdown


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There’s no doubt which Week 10 climax will be the most talked about, as Kyler Murray’s last-second connection, Hail Mary, with DeAndre Hopkins to give the Cardinals a 32-30 win over the Sunday Bills might be the best game you’ll see in the NFL this entire season.

Down four points near midfield with 11 seconds left and no time outs at their disposal, it looked like Arizona was going to need a miracle to beat the Buffalo. They had this miracle. He came in Murray form avoiding a sack, unleashing an unbalanced lift towards the end zone and the ball finding the waiting hands of Hopkins, who rose above three Bills defensemen to make the winning snag.

Not only was it an absolutely amazing throw and catch, but it was also an amazing finish for a really fun game. Anyone watching at home probably had a hard time sitting still for the last few seconds, so it certainly wasn’t surprising to see the excited reactions immediately flooding social media. And it wasn’t just us everyday slobs who couldn’t believe our eyes … much of the astonishment came from current and former pros as well.

Four-time NBA champion LeBron James was also watching football this Sunday. He’s gearing up for the start of the NBA season next month, but he’s been deep into the NFL until then … at least Sunday afternoon.

Even Kyler Murray weighed in on what he was thinking when he dropped the ball.

Unfortunately for the Bills and their fans, this is just one of those pieces that will be remembered for a long, long time.


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