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ALAMEDA – Trayvon Mullen has a ton of talent. You will not be selected in the second round of the NFL draft if you can not play ball.

Nevertheless, the cornerback is one of the positions where there is a learning curve from the university – where the quarterbacks rarely test the turns in the lead – to the NFL where these same bends are targeted as soon as they arrive on the ground.

Mullen, who has not left touchdowns during his college career at Clemson, had a glimpse of that Monday's life when he debuted in the NFL during the Raiders 24-16 win. against the Denver Broncos. After Oakland's main cornerback, Gareon Conley, was injured in the neck, Mullen was pushed into action, accused of helping Black and Silver keep their lead.

As expected, the Broncos and veteran quarterback Joe Flacco went straight to Mullen, who was closely following Emmanuel Sanders. The young corner was targeted four times, giving up three catches and a touchdown to the veteran warned.

Mullen did not have enough to hang his head, however. He was close to picking up a Flacco pass and taking it in the other direction for a touchdown, and had good coverage on his take.

For the talented corner, it was not a glittering start for the NFL, but Mullen knows he can stand out for the first time.

"For me, it was fair, I went to play with confidence, as always, I took a few shots and some games that I could take again and I did it differently, but for me, it's a rewarding experience, "Mullen told NBC Sports Bay. Zone on Wednesday. "I know the type of player that I am, how good I am, and for me it is just playing with technique, being physical and playing fast, and everything will be fine. me."

The cornerbacks should play every moment, so Mullen had seen the ground parsimoniously until Conley was out. There was no nerves, however.

"When he came out, I was ready," said Mullen. "I was like:" I'm standing. "I must always be ready. As I said, I rely on my technique, my self-confidence and my confidence. able to play, so I was ready. "

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Conley returned to training on Wednesday and should play Sunday when the Kansas City Chiefs will visit the Coliseum, but Mullen will be ready for the call of his number.

He watched the film from his debut and knows that it belongs to the field. The Broncos have chosen their places against the rookie and have had some success.

The next team will not be so lucky.


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