Nick Foles is suffering from a fractured collarbone


It seems that our initial suspicion Nick Foles has a fractured left collarbone was correct.

Jaguar coach Doug Marrone said at the post-game press conference that he had no information about Foles' injury.

However, this report came a little later:

Posted at 12:21 PM PT:

Jaguars quarterback Nick Foles, Nick Foles, suffered what could be a fractured left collarbone after being hit following a long touchdown pass in Sunday's first quarter against the Chiefs.

The defender's weight landed on Foles, who left the field and then returned to the sideline with a sling on his left arm after being sidelined for the remainder of the match.

There are no words on X-ray results yet.

The video was limited, so I'm not ready to state unequivocally that it was a fractured collarbone. There is hope for a sprained joint, but this injury resembles the fracture of the Clavicle of the Packers quarterback, Aaron Rodgers, who was injured in the shoulder in 2017, this who knocked him out for eight weeks. Tony Romo had similar injuries in 2015, which limited him to four games.

If a clavicle fracture is confirmed, Foles will likely have to undergo surgery with a plate and screws to allow a faster return. With the injury on the unjucked side, the schedule is likely a comeback in six to eight weeks, which would make him a candidate to go to the injured reserve and be designated for the return.


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