Nicolas Cage stars in Willy’s Wonderland trailer [WATCH]


Please give a bloody welcome, courage and all, to the last entry of the Rage Cage cannon. In this exclusive trailer for Willy’s Wonderland, Nicolas Cage’s vagabond character doesn’t even muster a syllable as everything around him goes to hell: After his car breaks down near an abandoned family entertainment center, the owner offers to pay for his repairs in exchange for ” a night shift for janitorial duties. Sounds like a good deal … oh, until all the animatronic mascots in the center come to life, marvel at Cage’s flesh, and want to make a human sacrifice to him. An officer (Beth Grant, always welcome) and a bunch of teenagers attempt to warn her about Willy’s dark history, but as always, it seems Cage has everything under control. (The man clubs an ostrich to death.) “He’s not trapped in there with them,” said a teenager, “they’re trapped here with him. The film will be released on demand on February 12.


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