Some Nike stores were closed in South Africa on Wednesday after a public outcry following a racist comment from one man that local media said they had ties to the sportswear business.
Nike declined to comment on store closings, but issued a statement reiterating its "long-standing commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect," adding that the man seen in a video posted online was not an employee of the company.
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If you want white people leave South-Africa, can you take all your black migrants back in Africa please ? Oh wait… New Zimbabwe is coming.
Who does this Dutch south African settler think he is. Does he think South Africa belongs to him? It's high time south Africans kicked these whites out of our beautiful continent.
Fuck You White a Boy. I Hate White people.
White people don't belong in South Africa anyway. Go back to Europe.
Give us your african Whites and we give you our french Black ! No problem !
Blacks are a sub race. They are intellectually inferior. This is why African societies are a living hell of violence, poverty and chaos. And the more stupid they are, the more arrogant. This is why you never want to speak with them. These people are unsufferable.
All whites should leave South Africa and let them STARVE…
as a african american we and african people need to come together and become one again.
He has some damn nerve when the mayo cave maggots are poisoning the oceans with their synthetic melanin sunscreen that Haiwaii recently banned. He can't even go outside without slathering on a gallon of synthetic melanin or the sun will fry his ass! Damn maggot!
What a wonderful place became the South Africa under kaffir rule! ))
Africa protect ur locale industries
niggas are the puppets of the jews to breack white people ….
My African brothers and sisters will have to forgive me I am unfamiliar with the term he used however if it's disrespect to you it is the same to me the time of their rule is ending so it's only natural there be a falling away first #Peace
THey want to take the land but will beg white people to go back once they starve because they can't farm
Haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa i don't even understand the meaning of the word(K) waw racism is the devil coming out and say K don't worry about satan provoking you just keep your distance from them amen
Kikes' propaganda at its finest.
N***ers are so stupid !
If the guy's wife were a library director, I bet these stupid blacks wouldn't have sacked the bookshop and stolen books…
Low IQ population is a burden to white people !
Louis Randall…. We are trying to. The f…kers don't want to leave South Africa, but they Hate Africans. They are 7% White Europeans in My South Africa Controlling 80% of our ANCESTRAL LAND and our Economy. Which was Stolen by the way from Our Ancestors during Colonialism and APARTHEID. Now 2018 we want it back and these Greedy White Snowflakes are Crying. Sickening man.
French President Macron said it best…the Day that Africa Unites is the day that Europe, Britain and the USA will collapse. Africa wake up! Wake up Africa!
La chasse à l'homme blanc est ouverte ! et s'étend rapidement bien au-delà de cet enfer qu'est devenue l'Afrique du Sud. Or cette chasse n'est pas seulement encouragée, elle est orchestrée par les élites occidentales, lesquelles ne veulent plus entendre parler de peuples mais sont prêtes à exploiter sans merci ni retenue une bouillie de populations ignares et veules, hyper violentes sur ses marges… Homme blanc, il est temps que tu réapprennes à te défendre et à protéger les tiens ! Ou bien suicide-toi, «à la gauloise», car cela te vaudra mieux que de te faire dévorer par ces chiens après qu'ils auront violé, découpé et assassiné, devant tes yeux, ceux qui te sont chers… En aucun cas tu ne dois t'en remettre à tes sournois dirigeants pour sauver ta peau ! Ce serait là une tragique erreur. Songes-y alors qu'il en encore temps…
Namibia. Your next!!!
He need to take his wet dog smelling ass back to the cave of Europe nasty ass Neanderthal!!! All Black peoples in the diaspora need to boycott all goods European own. I bet we’ll loose weight get healthier and bankrupt their asses in that order. Then we have to start spending our Black money with each other
Nike is an African word. Just saying. So sick of these Krakkas!
Not all Greeks share these kind of opinions! Unfortunately some people do, but you should not blame a whole country for a moron.
Wtf did he say wrong
Wow smh
Send him back to Europe!! Let him relax on their beaches.
Africa for the black Africans.
Make america brown again
Caucasians are foreign invaders to the Americas
Caucasians are the multi in multicultural (since people were already living in America)
Caucasians are the diverse in diversity (since people were already living in america)
Africa for Africans
Asia for Asians
Americas for amerindians
Australia for aborigines
Europe for Africans
Antarctica for Africans
New Zealand for maori
Caucasus mountains for Caucasians
Whites really think they are "real Americans"Just shows you the white supremacy propaganda machinery at work
What an idiot! They are so jelaous of us and worried about our come up! Nike shouldnt have closed its doors but the merchandising director should get fired. She knows her husband is racist and knows they were opening up in South Africa. Teach them both a lesson.
In other words, KAFFIR means UNGODLY and this dude is saying that black people are Ungodly… A term they use to describe black people without having to say the N-word in order to sneakily get away with it. Got it!
Shit rubbish racist. I hate such ppl.
Of all albinoid neanderthals, those in South Africa are the worst that I have seen. Their arrogance, nastiness and sheer hatefulness is astounding and unrivaled. I would urge South Africans to teach them a lesson, move ahead with land appropriations and impose hefty fines for the use of such poisonous words.