Ninja calls out Fortnite players and threatens to stop playing


Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has undoubtedly been one of the most popular Fortnite streamers around the world since the launch of the popular Battle Royale game a few years ago. However, Blevins now appears to be coming to an end with the game if things don’t start to change quickly.

The problem Blevins has with Fortnite comes less with the game itself and more with its players. Over the past few days, Blevins has been the victim of multiple stream sniping attempts from multiple players. If you’re not familiar with this term, it basically means that people who play Fortnite around the world, participate in a match with Ninja and then use his feed as a point of reference for where he is in the game. From there they will find him and kill him when he is least aware of it. This is essentially a modern iteration of the peak screen split-screen multiplayer games of the past, except that Blevins himself can’t screen spike back.

Blevins said he believes the majority of players who do this are doing so Fortnite are just kids looking for influence. “They’re the same kids, brother. Get out of my game. Get away from me. You don’t prove anything by getting into a fucked-up game and running towards someone, and when you know, they’re fighting someone. one and fucking kill them, “Blevins expressed frustration in a recent feed.” But good for you man. Take your fucking clip [and] send it to your friends. You killed Ninja. I haven’t played the game in forever. I do not play anymore. I come back and kill almost all the idiots again. “

Blevins went on to say that all it does is make the game even harder to play. In fact, he even went so far as to say he could stop playing. Fortnite in total, at least during the broadcast. “All they do is just harm the game because I’m going to play it. I’m not going to broadcast it, ”he said.

Although there is a good chance that Blevins will continue to play Fortnite streaming in the future, it’s hard to deny that stream sniping has definitely led him to stream the game less than before. Over the past year, Blevins has probably released a lot more Valuing than anything else. It remains to be seen what Blevins decides to do next, but in all likelihood, the chance that it is streaming Fortnite as much as it did a few years ago seems almost gone.

[H/T Dexerto]


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