Ninja claims influencers complaining about Epic Games: "Nobody forces you to play"


Why do people criticize Epic Games?

Many prominent members of the Fortnite community, including artists and professional players, have recently criticized Epic Games for the way they handle their game. Many of these complaints date back to the March 8.20 update. Epic's reluctance to add a FOV slider to Fortnite Battle Royale.

These complaints were amplified on April 26, when Epic announced the release of its latest "Competitive Update," which caused a very negative response from many members of the community. However, Ninja has since hit many of these influencers, suggesting that the way they criticize Epic is hollow.

Twitter: FaZe Avery

FaZe Clan streamer Avxry was one of the many unhappy with the update.

Ninja criticizes the streamers and YouTubers who complain

On April 26, while streaming the Arena mode for the Fortnite World Cup, Ninja was discussing the recent reaction to Epic Games' "competitive update."

He seemed to suggest that influencers who were openly critical of Fortnite's recent decisions should stop playing the game, as it would make more of a statement to Epic than to continue playing the game but saying negative things about it.

"Nobody forces anyone to play this game," said Ninja. "Nobody forced anyone to stream this match. Guess what? Everyone lives on it. They will continue to stream, download YouTube videos, tweet clips, participate in tournaments. If you really care, stop playing. "

Ninja then suggested that the way in which these influencers affect their audience is also negative: "Instead, everyone uses his audience, whether on Twitter, on social networks or with Twitch, and they do what they do correctly. now; complaining so much and getting everyone to think exactly the same thing. "

Despite the negativity surrounding their game for a while, Epic's latest updates suggest they have no intention of changing direction.

Whatever happens next, it is clear that Ninja thinks it would be necessary to make more statement if people were to simply boycott the game for a while, rather than spreading negativity among their audience.


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