Ninja shares his opinion on Fortnite v8.20 update


The new Fortnite update is one of the most controversial fixes in Fortnite's history.

At this point, I guess everyone has read the release notes and seen the reactions to the update.

If you are not there, here are some of the best reactions from the community.

In this article, Ninja has a quick excerpt stating that he wanted to take the time to gather his thoughts on the update before posting his reaction.

He took this time and shared his thoughts in a video on Twitter.

He says that he "understands why Epic has made these changes … because they want to create a" safe space "for casual players / new Fortnite players."

This point is similar to the argument that I have put forward to explain why this update may not be such a bad thing.

Here are Ninja's complete comments on the modifications to the infantry rifle, as well as the restoration of the parameters of the Pop-Up Cup.

One point he raises deserves to be underlined. Because the new Arena mode will be based on the MMR (skill level), the pairing fills the lobbies with people from a similar competence level.

Once you have reached the highest levels of Arena Mode, it can be difficult for players to find a game. For streamers, it's a huge problem because people do not want to watch a matchmaking process for 15 minutes.

Of course, they could switch to a casual game mode, but they would then play on these new settings. This seems to go against Epic's plan to move the top half of the base of players to Arena.

In the end, this is a problem that will only affect the best of the best, but people who look a lot Fortnite on Twitch will see a change.

People with a high MMR rate in games like Rocket League or League of Legends have trouble finding solo games, even when the lobby is only trying to fill six or ten players respectively.

Trying to fill the 100 seems like a difficult task. The way other games realize this is to increase the number of players, the game searches every minute, slowly dropping the MMR needed to join the lobby.

Fortnite could do the same, but it would be on a much larger scale. In the end, it may take some time before the Fortnite base of players gets used to this split of Arena mode players and casual players.


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