Nintendo confirms that switch games are playable


The E3 2019 is almost in sight and Nintendo has detailed all the Switch games offered at the show this year. We already knew a lot, but there are one or two surprising titles – and a notable omission – that we were not aware of.

In a press release, Nintendo confirmed that it would bring Pokemon Sword and Shield to the E3 show. That was to be expected, after the recent feed of Pokemon Nintendo Direct, in which we discovered the release date of Sword and Shield, the details of its history, and so on.

In addition, the platform owner said that Luigi's Mansion 3, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order would all be playable on Nintendo Switch. There is no mention of the upcoming Animal Crossing for Switch, which has yet to be revealed, but Nintendo claims that "other games" that are not listed in its press release will be playable on its booth.

Doom Eternal, FIFA 20 and Fortnite are some of the other Switch games we have seen. We may see more during Nintendo's presentation on E3 Direct, even though the company's plans for E3 are expanding on much more than this press conference.

While Nintendo is playing cards for the moment, many other publishers and developers have confirmed many more. For more E3 coverage, be sure to check out the full E3 conference program and our race list of every confirmed game at E3 2019.


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