“ Nintendo just killed Super Smash Bros. Melee ”


The big news in the world of Super Smash Bros. is currently being revealed yesterday, when Nintendo sent a cease and desist order to The Big House, thus preventing the Super Smash Bros. Melee and Ultimate online event from happening. take place.

Mario manufacturers have given a reason, citing the use of Slippi.gg, a program that facilitates the online game melee with features of netcode and return matchmaking, as the main problem. Smash community reacted on social networks to express his distaste for this decision, and the best player in the world Melee Juan “Liquid | Hungrybox” DeBiedma, offered his voice and opinion.

As the 2001 GameCube title, Super Smash Bros. Melee has never had a supported online game from the developers. Fan enthusiasm over the past 20 years has allowed Smash’s second entry to flourish over the past two decades and has evolved to demand that this type of technology be up to today’s standards (especially with COVID-19).

From a legal standpoint, Nintendo seems to hold all the cards here and therefore the prerogative to authorize or prohibit an event like The Big House to proceed with a modified version of their game is ultimately theirs. Yet many replicas published on Twitter by fans are in line with those of DeBiedma, which addresses the situation keeping in mind the restrictions of Covid-19.

“Slippi is the only form of Melee we have right now during a pandemic … For a game like Melee, whose blood and life source as a competitive scene is based on tournaments that take place in person. . [Slippi] It was the only chance Melee had to live during the pandemic, ”he says in his video.

Hbox acknowledges the fact that gamers are essentially moving away from Nintendo hardware to enjoy this particular game, but then the emotion begins to flow as he raises his voice to ask, “WHAT IS THE REAL POINT OF DOING THIS ?!” THE ONLY THING THIS COMMUNITY HAS WON? WHAT SHOULD WE WIN? “

You’ll hear his full rant via the integration below. The Smash Bros. action is still ongoing this weekend as Smash Summit (which features Melee played on Slippi) kicked off today.


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