Nintendo is always trying to improve existing products and the Joy-Con is no exception. While we are sure that this controller has a design flaw that many Switch owners would like to see fixed, it seems that Nintendo is more interested in new methods of improvement and innovation.

Presentation of Joy-Con, a new patent for Nintendo, recently published in the official patent database in Japan. As you can see in the images above and below, this allows the user to adjust the angle of the upper Joy-Con.

Articulated Joy Con 3
Articulated Joy Con 6

Nintendo has already made some extremely minor changes to the Joy-Con controller's internal elements, but their appearance remains the same. If something had to happen from this recent repository, it would technically be the first revision to change the look of the controller.

Of course, this does not mean that nothing will happen. C & # 39; just a patent – which means that there is no certainty that it will actually become a real product.

What do you think of this design? Does it seem comfortable? Leave a comment below.
