Nintendo plugs Skyward Sword HD with “Elements” later adopted in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild


Skyward Sword HD© Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword It might not necessarily be everyone’s favorite entry into the Zelda series, but according to Nintendo, it set up a lot of groundwork for the Wii U Swan Song and Switch’s launch title, Breath of the wild.

Nintendo used this as another social media opportunity to promote the upcoming high-definition version of Skyward Sword for Switch – offering a preview of some moments that are surprisingly similar to scenes from Breath of the Wild. Of course, Skyward Sword is its own unique style and obviously not an open world experience.

If a history lesson in the Zelda series doesn’t particularly interest you, perhaps another reason to consider choosing the HD version of Skyward Sword is for the new “button only” control system. Nintendo used this new feature earlier this week to show how “perfect” the game is for the Switch Lite.

What do you think of some of the above-mentioned features introduced in Skyward Sword? Are you glad they were transported to Breath of the Wild? Will you buy Skyward Sword HD? Leave a comment below.


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