Nintendo Switch Dominates Top Ten As Lockdown Boosts Game Sales | Framed graphics of UK


The first week of January is notoriously quiet for boxed video game sales. It’s rare to see an outing of any kind during this window, and of course most players will still be busy with their Christmas presents.

Still, the start of the year is not normal, with the UK heading for another full lockdown to try to curb the spread of the coronavirus. This may explain why more than 260,000 boxed games were sold in the UK last week, a third more than what was achieved in the same week around the same time last year.

The main driver of growth has been the Nintendo Switch, with console games topping the boxed charts last week. In fact, Switch game sales are up over 123% from the same week in 2020. Animal Crossing: New Horizons retains the top spot, despite a 47% drop in sales (it should be noted that sales drop in the first week of the year (completely normal), followed by Mario Kart 8: Deluxe at # 2 (sales down 43%). At n ° 3, it’s Just Dance 2021, which gains two places despite a 24% drop in sales. Just Dance 2021 is of course available on all platforms, but so far almost 90% of the game’s sales have been made on Nintendo Switch (physical sales only, digital sales not included).

There are 15 Switch exclusives in the Top 40 this week, including Ring Fit Adventure at # 6 (sales up 24%), Minecraft at # 7 (sales down 35%) and New Super Mario Bros U. Deluxe at n ° 9 (sales down 32%). New Super Mario Bros. has returned to the Top Ten in recent weeks following a new marketing campaign for the game.

Everything is very close, but a 42% drop in sales for Super Mario 3D All-Stars means the collection ends its stay in the Top Ten, dropping to No.11.

Otherwise, it’s a pretty normal graph overall, with no new releases until Hitman 3 later in the month. For those following the story of Cyberpunk 2077, the CD Projekt game has fallen to No.20 after a 59% drop in sales.

Here are the GfK Top Ten for the week ending January 9:

Last week This week Title
1 1 Animal Crossing: New horizons
3 2 Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
5 3 Just Dance 2021
2 4 FIFA 21
4 5 Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
18 6 Ring-shaped adventure
seven seven Minecraft (switch)
9 8 Grand Theft Auto 5
ten 9 New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
6 ten Call of Duty: Cold War Black Ops


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