Nintendo to unveil the next big Animal Crossing update on October 15th


As the Smash Direct in front of her, Animal Crossing: New Horizons will have its own showcase on October 15th. The Animal crossing The Twitter account broke the news, promising 20 minutes of updates and announcements of what to expect for Nintendo’s bucolic hit of the pandemic.

New Horizons has experienced some shortage of new content. While seasonal items used to beautify Villager Islands are added regularly, new events have been a bit slower to unfold. This year we saw three new events: the Festivale which took place in January, and May 1 and National Museums Day, which both took place in May. To keep players busy with new shiny ones, New Horizons featured tons of crossover events featuring characters from Sanrio and items from Mario.

This new update, scheduled for November, appears to contain the long-awaited coffee. In previous Animal Crossings, the cafe was a place to chat with villagers during their off-peak hours while still allowing players to work in exchange for coffee beans and furniture.

New Horizons Direct takes place on October 15 at 10:00 a.m. EST.


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