Nintendo will close some mobile games in Belgium because of the legislation on the box


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Nintendo will remove both Crossing animals: pocket camp and Hero of the fire emblem Belgian mobile phone stores at the end of August. In one Tweet from Nintendo of Belgium, the company said: "In Belgium, due to the uncertain situation regarding certain game revenue models, the service of Crossing animals: pocket camp and Hero of the fire emblem will be arrested in Belgium on August 27, 2019. "

In a longer statement on his official website, Nintendo added: "Players who still have orbs and / or paper tickets on their account may continue to use them until the end of the service. In addition, future Nintendo games with similar revenue models will no longer be marketed in Belgium. We would like to thank all the players in Belgium for playing Crossing animals: pocket camp and Fire Emblem Heroes."

The current situation to which Nintendo refers relates to baggage compartments declared as a cash game by the Dutch Game Authority last year. This statement has resulted in EA, 2K and Blizzard removing microtransactions from its games in the region, which Nintendo is turning to. Instead of simply removing the options, it seems that Nintendo has opted for a more nuclear approach.

Information on companies in Belgium [Nintendo of Belgium via Eurogamer]

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