Nintendo's 'Ring Fit Adventure' had Huffin's and Puffin's # 39;


If you watch the trailer for Ring Fit Adventure for the Nintendo Switch, it looks ridiculous. A bunch of people around the world are making idiots with the help of a giant flexible ring in which a Joy-Con is located. A ring-con, if you want. On their left thigh is a holster with the other Joy-Con. They run on-site in impeccably dressed salons, their faces wrinkled as they crush and quickly pull the ring. Safely at my desk, ignoring the demands of my Apple Watch to get up and stay up, I had the same reaction of watching the trailer as watching someone play a virtual reality game. I put Pop Chips in my mouth and say:nerds. "

As a Gizmodo fitness tech guinea pig, I took the opportunity to try it myself. Despite my initial prejudices, I have to admit that a 20-minute demo was not only fun, but also left me feeling scorched. It turns out that when a game is fun, we do not care about the stupidity of its game.

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The game has some modes. There is a traditional story mode in which you try to defeat your nemesis, Dragaux, a buff dragon in a leotard. Nintendo said the dragon was supposed to represent "the negative aspects of gym culture." In fact, it looks like all the crazy people in the gym who have always blamed you for using their favorite device.

Running on the spot will move your character into the game, and the speed at which you go depends on how fast you hurry. At the optimal speed, your character's hair glows. You can also press the ring to jump over obstacles or shoot to suck up coins or other objects. By pointing down with the ring during the race you will be able to jump. Fighting the bad guys involves using certain exercises as attacks. For example, 20 squats will hit an enemy; to defend yourself, you crush the ring-con in your abdominals in a movement called "Ab Guard". It takes a little coordination – I had a hard time remembering how to jump in the moment. The Ring-Con is also much harder to handle than the Nintendo trailer suggests. I've played three levels in total and my arms are still shaking as I type this.

Here is the only ring-con.
Photo: Victoria Song (Gizmodo)

You can also play some Wario Ware super-mini games or, if you prefer to stick to the basics, you can do exercises that target a particular muscle group. Among those I tried, the squatter wheel was the most difficult. Basically, you're given a shape that you then have to recreate in a potter's wheel by squatting and manipulating the Ring-Con. Nintendo made me try to work my pecs by crushing the ring as many times as I could in 20 seconds. It sounds easy, but 70 reps let me out of breath and were looking for water.

Another feature is that after each exercise, you can place your finger on the Joy-Con's infrared sensor to get a reading of your heart rate. I'm not sure if that's right or if the estimated number of calories is accurate. We will need more tests, but I wore an Apple Watch Series 5 at the same time and the Joy-Con measurement seemed to average about 10 beats per minute. That said, you will not burn as many calories as you would when playing. Dance Dance Revolution on hard. (You do not need more coordination.)

As for the material itself, the Ring-Con is robust. It basically works as a kind of resistance band, although it's impressive that Nintendo has managed to insert many sensors. I've noticed slips and slips with the leg strap, but not enough to hurt the mid-match.

Photo: Raul Marrero (Gizmodo)

So, can you work your puff with Ring Fit Adventure? Ehh It's more like a spiritual successor to Wii Fit that's a viable replacement for the gym. That said, my heart rate has reached around 130 bpm (as measured by the seemingly more accurate look of the Apple Watch), which really counts as cardio. It's also nice that you get guided visuals to perform a variety of weight training exercises such as squats, chest pressure and planks.

As someone who absolutely hates the strength training, Ring Fit Adventure This seems to be a fun way to get me to do some strength and resistance exercises over the course of an afternoon. It is available October 18th at a price of $ 80. This gives you the Ring-Con, the leg strap and the game itself. It's more expensive than your average Switch game, But you get some material with it. Nintendo also said that if you play an hour a day in Story mode, you will have about three months of play before you finish the game. And believe me, an hour of play a day is more than enough.


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