Nioh 2 runs a closed alpha on PS4 and it looks glorious


The king is back

We are at home. Team Ninja shared his first real game sequence for Nioh 2 before E3 2019 and I can not really say how excited I am to continue to hunt. I have forgotten how fast and ruthless NiohThe fight can take place when you do not abuse lazy talismans. In fact, the sequel seems even faster.

You will need to watch this many times to absorb everything. Also, in case you forget (as I did it totally until then), Nioh 2 uses a character creator instead of the old protagonist William. The thought of having to train with him or at another skirmish makes me very scared.

Beyond the new trailer, Team Ninja has set the date of a very limited sound Nioh 2 alpha closed on PS4. It should take place from 24 May to 2 June and "some" users will be invited to comment.

Considering the usefulness of the original beta to get NiohI hope that the sequel will not hold that only one alpha test and will pack things up at launch (whenever this happens). The series is obviously more than a known quantity at this point, but still. Balancing!

Anyway, let's look at this crazy movie. I took a bunch of screengrabs.

Nioh 2 Kodama

Nioh 2 demon form

Nioh 2 cats that roll

Nioh 2 ugly boss oni

Nioh 2 demon tengu

Nioh 2 nure-onna

Emblem of the spirit Nioh 2

Nioh 2 double-axis enemy

Nioh 2 small ghouls

Nioh 2 snake boss

Nioh 2 spirits guardians of archers

My friends, you can call on your own bodyguards, skeleton archer. Video games are good.

One of the biggest complaints about Nioh was that he lacked enough unique enemies to match the width of Things in the game. Finally, you understood how to handle most of the threats and you just had to keep your cool and remember the fundamentals while traveling in Japan looking for 39, better and brighter equipment. I am hopeful that Team Ninja will take notes. We will see soon.

Team Ninja has not explicitly confirmed Nioh 2 for PC at the moment, but that's a sure assumption.

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