No, a naughty dog ​​artist didn’t disclose an unexpected fantasy game


Earlier this week, fans noticed that a Naughty Dog artist posted medieval fantasy-themed artwork that was outwardly “ inspired by a new game, ” which led to speculation about the fact that Naughty Dog might be working on an unexpected project like this. The artist has now confirmed to IGN that this is not the case and that the work was inspired by Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Young Nam, a senior designer for Naughty Dog, has released three works under the title “The Women of North “in November, featuring a knight seated next to a slain dragon, a shaman-like figure with a skull cap and staff, and a green-eyed figure wearing clothing made of skin and bone. animals.

The articles were posted with a caption originally reading, “Inspire from the new game. You know what I’m talking about…” After airing this week, some fans and media speculated that the project Unannounced naughty dog. However, speaking to IGN, Nam explained, “The artwork is not for ND’s next new game,” and added that it was inspired fan art and made while the artist was playing Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (itself released last November).

Nam has now updated the caption to clarify the connection with Valhalla. While some will probably be sad – after all, a fantasy Naughty Dog game that slays dragons and medieval shamanic actually looks pretty amazing – let’s focus on the fact that Nam’s fan art was so cool, it briefly prompted the people to imagine a whole new game. It sounds like an artistic achievement in itself. It’s also worth checking out Nam’s larger portfolio on Artstation – especially if you’re interested in the start, it takes into account the many characters in The Last of Us Part 2.

As to what Naughty Dog Actually has for us then, it is difficult to say. We know that there is no DLC planned for The Last of Us Part 2, but that there could still be a standalone multiplayer in the Factions vein of the first game. Either way, Naughty Dog has stepped up its recruitments, with Studio co-president Neil Druckmann said, “Come work with us! We’re doing something really cool!”

There’s also the little issue of HBO’s Last of Us TV show, which now has a series commission, and a new director.

Every IGN Naughty Dog game review

Joe Skrebels is IGN’s News Editor. Follow him on Twitter. Any advice to give us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to [email protected].


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