No Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp apps on Android devices – BGR


Huawei had some bad weeks as US companies reacted one after the other to Trump 's ban. What about hardware such as Intel chips or ARM, or software such as Google from Android or Microsoft, Windows, Huawei can not to import it from US technology companies as long as the ban is not resolved. And Facebook is the last big name technology that has responded to the ban by suspending pre-installs of applications on Huawei phones that still have to leave the factories. The move does not mean anything to Huawei's Chinese market, but not being able to pre-load apps such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp, all Facebook properties on Huawei devices sold in other international markets may constitute major problem for the company.

Huawei does not give up without a fight, challenging the ban in US courts. Meanwhile, the company would have enough supplies to continue the production of smartphones during the ban and dispelled recent rumors that it would have interrupted some lines of smartphones. In addition, Huawei is preparing the release of its operating system, because it will lose access to the Android version of Google in about three months.

However, as we have already explained, Huawei's operating system is not a solution for any market, with the exception of China, especially because of the Play Store provided with Android from Google.

Regarding Facebook applications, Huawei devices already in the hands of consumers will still be able to run them and receive regular software updates, said Facebook Reuters.

In addition, any new Huawei device shipped without the preloaded Facebook apps, but still having access to the Play Store app, will be able to install them. However, on the expiry of the United States' 90-day deadline for Huawei by the United States, all Huawei phones out of the factories will have neither Facebook applications nor the application Play Store preinstalled. Of course, this assumes that China and the United States do not reach an expanded trade agreement until then, an agreement that would also include Huawei.

Image Source: JEROME FAVRE / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock


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