No Man's Sky, Sean Murray, Gives Insightful Tips to ANTHEM and 76 Fallout Developers


No Man's Sky Sean Murray Foresight 76 ANTHEM

It's no secret that No Man's Sky has come a long time ago, long Since its debut in 2016, Hello Games, developer, has done everything to improve the game in recent years and the title is now the best of all time. It took a long time, but we came to the end.

Unfortunately, No Man's Sky is not the newest and most prestigious title to be released in such a rough state. Last year, this year's Fallout 76 and ANTHEM were torn apart by media and gamers, and Hello Games founder Sean Murray offered advice based on his personal experience.

"We spent about two years without speaking to the press, and we spent about three months without saying anything to the community.It was really difficult.I sat down many times and I was wrote the perfect blog that would explain everything about the development of the game and the roadmap for the future, but I could see that it was not credible with respect to our current position ", Murray explained in a recent panel at Develop 2019.

"A lot of games have come since then, have had a polarizing launch, and that explosive mix of people playing it but also problems, and I can see EA, Microsoft or Bethesda trying to calm the players by just talking to them, but it's good or bad, it does not really work, "continued Murray. "You see this all the time when a big publisher is talking to the community and trying to solve the problem, then lets themselves be carried away, taking more and more free space."

In other words, Murray believes that when everyone is exhausted, the best thing to do is to shut up and work on improving your game. "Talking about features when you're out there. a game is already out is not credible or interesting, "Murray told GamesRadar. "Your actions are so much more important than what you say."

This is a juicy juicy quote, and we really think Murray scored a point. Fallout 76 can announce every mode of the royal battle that he wants, but he'll never have a second chance to win people early on. The best thing to do, and certainly ANTHEM, is to work tirelessly to improve and give players a real reason to believe that the future is much more promising.

Do you agree with Murray? Should games like Fallout 76 and ANTHEM take into account the fact that No Man's Sky has repaired his wrongs? Offer hope in the comments section below.


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