Noem Says It Was “Hard” To Be “Attacked By My Friends” In Conservative Media Over Trans-Athlete Bill


DALLAS – Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has expressed frustration at the coverage she has received from her “friends” in the conservative media about her decision not to sign a bill on transgender athletes earlier this year.

Speaking to reporters at CPAC about restoring American confidence in politics, Noem urged the media to be “a little more diplomatic,” saying it “just goes beyond” to be taken out of context.

She then cited the media’s treatment of her veto of a bill, as drafted, that would ban trans athletes from participating in girls’ sports in public schools.


“The issue of women’s sport was the one that was the most difficult for me, because I have been attacked by liberals my whole life, but being attacked by my friends was difficult,” said Noem. “So we on the right who say, ‘Oh, we never get it wrong-‘ no, we have conservative journalists, conservative networks, who are certainly not telling the truth either.”

“The bill that I handed to my legislature and asked them to sign – because I did not veto a bill on women’s sport – I asked them to correct it, and they chose not to. But that was not the message everyone in this country heard And what I asked the legislature to sign is exactly the model law that was passed in every other state … No governor has ever received a bill on his desk and delivered to him as my legislature first gave it to me. And I gave them an informed review style, their asked to change it, and they refused. This is not what you heard on national news, “she explained.

Noem explained that the original bill “allowed any student who was not on a sports team” to sue the team and the K-12 public school system. She also pointed out that he did not define which steroids or performance-enhancing drugs were acceptable, such as cortisone injections and inhalers, predicting that the “flawed” bill would ultimately become a “litigation nightmare.”

“So I asked them to change it. The legislature refused, so I took decrees,” Noem said. “But I haven’t seen any of my friends in the conservative media covering the fact that I issued orders the next day to be able to ensure that only girls were involved in women’s sports… These protections are in place today in South Dakota. But even my friends haven’t covered that. So it’s the media that drives me crazy… all that makes the headlines is what they do.

The governor of South Dakota has revealed that she plans to bring forward her own bill that she is confident will pass the state legislature and stand up to court challenges.


“We have to be strategic in how we conduct these fights to win. I will fight every day of the week, but I fight to win. I just won’t fight stupid fights that will prepare us for it. ‘failure,’ Noah said. “We’ve been doing that in the pro-life movement for years. We’ve strategically looked at what kind of bills to bring in so that we can move forward in protecting life. It’s the same battle and it’s about to be smart and not come up with bills that end up in a court of law that I can never enforce to make sure I really, really protect him. ”

In March, Noem received rare criticism from the conservative media for failing to enact a bill prohibiting trans female athletes from participating in girls’ sports in public schools, with media like The Federalist calling his actions “Cowards”. The governor argued that the bill as drafted would have been rejected by the courts if it had been challenged by opponents like the NCAA.


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