North Carolina voters split over assignment of Trump's son by Republican Senator


One day when the North Carolinians go to the polls for a primary in a special election for a seat in the US House, some GOP voters were troubled by Burr's role in the show's broadcast. subpoena, while other Republicans seemed ready to give their senior senator the benefit of the doubt.

"I think I'll wait to see what his reasons are, why he does it, what his goal is," said Kelly Allgood, who said he did not want to have an instinctive reaction, CNN said in an interview on Tuesday.

"He served and he did a good job," Allgood added, "and I do not think of him as someone who goes out and does things that do not make sense."

The three-term senator is chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and has been criticized by other Capitol Hill Republicans – and by President Donald Trump himself – for his decision to summon Trump Jr. appear before the committee and testify. Trump Jr. reached an agreement Tuesday with the committee to testify in camera in mid-June.

"This is a good man, I voted for him," said Joe Barbara, North Carolina, about Burr's decision regarding the subpoena. "It addresses exactly many issues important to me as a resident of the state, as a Republican and US citizen, but I think it's going on that point."

Barbara called to bring Trump Jr. back to the company a "waste".

"I think the president's son has answered all the questions He has been questioned He has been allowed to reopen the file to keep it as well as keep it going is to keep a story that everyone is now aware of "It is an abuse of language, we are just wasting money and time," he said.

For voters such as Rob Simmons, Burr's decision was a defining moment that meant they would no longer support Burr.

"I have not always had that opinion," Simmons said. "I'm waiting for him to support the president."

"I'm fed up with RINOs," added Simmons, an acronym for "Republicans by Name Only."

Mr. Burr has previously stated that he will not stand again at the expiry of his current term in 2022.

Trump Jr. has already testified under oath in 2017 before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Senate Intelligence Committee would probably want to question Trump Jr. on a number of issues, as he is one of the witnesses suggested by the Democratic Senator of the committee, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, who should return to the committee for further questioning.

Trump, Jr. had been in talks with the committee since last December and had agreed to be questioned voluntarily twice before retiring, according to sources familiar with the matter. It was at this point that Burr and Warner issued the subpoena to testify to Trump Jr.'s testimony.

CNN's Jeremy Herb and Manu Raju contributed to this report.


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