North Korea has asked for $ 2 million before releasing a comatose American student


WASHINGTON – North Korea has billed Trump $ 2 million for the medical care of Otto F. Warmbier, a jailed American student who has fallen into a coma, before agreeing to release him in 2017.

A senior US diplomat, negotiating for Mr. Warmbier's freedom, accepted the bill and released Mr. Warmbier. He died six days later in the United States after his parents decided to end the maintenance of life that maintained its vegetative state.

The bill was passed from the State Department to the Treasury Department. By early 2018, the bill had not been paid and it is unclear whether the Trump administration has since sent part of the amount to North Korea. A payment would be widely perceived as a remittance of ransom money, thus going against the declared policy of the administration in the matter of hostage negotiations.

The account of North Korea's bill was first reported by the Washington Post on Thursday. A person familiar with the events confirmed the details in the New York Times.


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