Northern Idaho internet provider blocks Facebook, Twitter for ‘censorship’


A northern Idaho ISP – Your T1 WIFI – said it decided to block Facebook and Twitter for some customers, citing censorship allegations, by KGW8.

Your T1 WIFI provides internet to northern Idaho and the greater Spokane, Washington area.

The move comes after Twitter and Facebook banned President Donald Trump from social media platforms in the wake of the U.S. Capitol riots.

According to KGW8, the decision could violate Net Neutrality law in Washington state. The company said it plans to block Twitter and Facebook because it has received complaints from customers.

  • “We have learned that Twitter and Facebook are engaged in censoring our customers and our information,” the company said in an email to customers.
  • “Our company does not believe that a website or social networking site has the power to censor what you see and post and hide information from you, prevent you from seeing what your friends and family are posting,” we read in the email. “That is why, given the number of concerns, we have made the decision to block access to these two websites from our network.”

More details:

The company said it “doesn’t approve of what Google, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook and Apple are doing … Talking about trying to heavily arm them into submission.”

Brett Fink, the owner of the company, told KREM that websites will only be blocked for those who request it.

  • “Customers have asked to be blocked by this. That’s what the email was about, so no, we’re not blocking anyone, just those who requested it, ”said Fink.


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