17 pigs were killed after a fire in Stokke's pig farm


17 pigs were damaged by the smoke and had to be killed after a fire at a pig farm in Stokke at Vestfold on Friday night.

The Southeast Police District reported a smoke evacuation from a pig farm at Bjørndalsveien in Stokke on Friday at 22 hours. Police and firefighters are gone. Police report twitter that there was a small fire on the spot. Probably there was a lamp that lit the fire in the piglet, with 40 purkers and 700-800 piglets.

"Many of them have had smoke and burns and must be killed," police said.

Later, police reported that a total of 17 pigs had died after the fire.

Operations manager Erik Gunnerød told VG that there would be between 10 and 20 purkers who could be shot down as a result of smoke damage, while none of the piglets should have been injured.

Police, ambulances and veterinarians were on hand to help with the emergency slaughter.

(© NTB)

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