43% think the king does the best job – three percent respond to Mette-Marit – therefore, King Harald is the people's favorite – and not Mette-Marit


According to a poll, Ipsos played for King Harald (81) of Dagbladet Thrones at the top of the Royal – among the 1,000 interviewed in Dagbladet's summer survey, 43 percent hold a button on King Harald. Feet, only three percent, seems Crown Princess Mette-Marit (44) is the one doing the best job.
(The story continues under the graphs)

– Incorrect

– Given how long Mette-Marit has had Her job as princess of the crown, she still suggests that she is a bit unclear in her role, says Beate Nossum, public relations advisor

Nossum was a political editor in the newspaper Fædrelandsvennen in the hometown of Mette-Marit of Kristiansand. Part of the royal family.

  - DO MICHELLE: - Be inspired by Michelle Obama, one of the expert advice on how Princess Mette-Marit can become more popular. Here is the former American presidential wife with Bruktawit Tesfaye (11) at a public health event in Washington last May. Photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais / NTB Scanpix
– DO MICHELLE: – Get inspired by Michelle Obama, an expert advice on how Princess Mette-Marit can become more popular . Here is the former American presidential wife with Bruktawit Tesfaye (11) at a public health event in Washington last May. Photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais / NTB Scanpix
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Between the King and the Crown Princess are Queen Sonja (81) and Crown Prince Haakon (45).

– We never comment on polls, "says Sven Gj. Gjeruldsen, deputy director of communications, Dagbladet

Radiation and history [19659005] Carl-Erik Grimstad, deputy representative of the left and former vice-chief of the palace, explains the popularity of the king with the idea of ​​sociologist Max Weber that authority can rely on charisma, tradition and legal position

. historical location as part of the Royal Palace, but also its official position as the country's monarch. It also attracts the most attention, says Grimstad to Dagbladet

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He believes that charisma or radiation, in this case, means at least the three and points out that the question was in the royal house

– They were not asked to evaluate them, which does not mean that Mette-Marit is not doing a good job, says Ms. Grimstad, who believes her results will be different if she Today, the Queen of the Country

  NOT 6 THIS TIME: Beate Nossum (TV), with Marie Simonsen of Dagbladet before the 2015 elections, gives the Crown Princess advice on how she can become more popular. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
STEP 6 THIS TIME: Beate Nossum (f.), Together with Dagbladet Marie Simonsen before the election in 2015, gives the Crown Princess advice on how she can become most popular. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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Obama Recipe

Public Relations Advisor Beate Nossum believes that the king's best score is due to the fact that he is particularly associated with the values ​​and traditions of the royal house.

She believes that Mette-Marit's low score represents

– She can live life like now, and be a party that pops up here and there – and it's perhaps the most easy – but the majestic lover that she will not be if she does not gain popularity by appropriating one thing, says Nossum.

She has the following suggestions as to what may be:

– The health of the child, for example, is a major issue that appeals, both nationally and internationally politically non-controversial. There are not many strong voices that worry about it, so it can be inspired by Michelle Obama, Nossum says.

Promoting Norwegian literature, to which Mette-Marit was assigned as ambassador Nossum seems to be too narrow

  COCKTAIL DE GRUNNER: Monarchist and left-wing politician Carl-Erik Grimstad sees more reasons why the king Harald wins the title as the one doing the best job in the royal house. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / Scanpix
GRUNNER'S COCKTAIL: The monarchy's expert and left-wing politician Carl-Erik Grimstad sees several reasons why King Harald wins the title as one who does the best job in the royal house. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / Scanpix
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– Fear of Mistakes

Nossum finds that Mette-Marit is much less controversial today than when she followed her as a political editor at Kristiansand's home of Mette-Marit, for the first time in the royal family.

Mette-Marit married Crown Prince Haakon in 2001. The first two met with friends, but during the Quart Festival in Kristiansand in 1999, he should have begun to "beat the sparks".

At that time, she was criticized a "tense" youth.

– The first period was very difficult, and that is perhaps one of the reasons why she was so cautious and restrained, but the day you're mostly scared to make mistakes, it's not easy. is very difficult to do something good too.

The grandmother of the royal family is also rated best by Nossum, a public relations advisor with Footprint. She does not think it must be interpreted as inexhaustible that the king often speaks of tolerance, and in a famous speech, Norwegians can be almost anything.

– It is very clear in one thing and it is charity and respect one for the other. says Nossum

– Great respect

In recent years, the royal house has been criticized for secrecy and blurred boundaries between the private and private economy of the court and the royal family. ] Despite critical articles, editor Ulf A. Andersen noted in the celebrity magazine Se og Hør that the royal house enjoys great popularity.

– We feel that everyone in Norway respects all members of the royal family a very strong. The king is anything. Perhaps it's not so strange that it's the most popular, says Seog Hør's editor-in-chief, who, like Dagbladet, belongs to the Aller group.

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