The parties had a deadline by midnight Monday to find a solution, but they were not in agreement, Sysla reports.
– Work is now underway to secure operations and closure, says Hilde-Marit
BRIEF CLAIMS: Hilde-Marit Rysst Leader associated with oil tanker work
Photo: Rolv Christian Topdahl / NRK
Plus taken Sunday
Probably more facilities will be more or less closed as a result of the strike.
Initially, 669 workers were taken from nine facilities removed from the strike. At the same time, Safe, according to Sysla, states that 901 additional members can be removed at midnight on Sunday when there is no consensus.
The heart of the battle is that Safe believes the federation will weaken a pension plan.
– Unreasonable Requirements [19659007] – We could not consider the requirements of Safes for mediation. The requirements, when compared to those of other professional groups in the industry and society as a whole, are completely unfair. Jakob Korsgaard, Managing Director of the Shipowners' Association, Jakob Korsgaard, Managing Director of Maersk Drilling Norway
WORKER: Jakob Korsgaard at Maersk Drillling
Photo: Inger Management security is directly irresponsible. Johanne Stenberg
He points out that the consequence of the mediation has not led to the fact that the industry is facing a devastating conflict that is seriously damaging to the reputation, finance and employment. cradle / jquery / dist / jquery.min "async" common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async "signals" / common js / lib / signals "pair" / common js / lib / couple / couple "unispring" "text" / common js / lib / scores / unispring "comScore" https://static.nrk.no/comscore/latest/comscore.min common / charmille / requirejs- text / text "facebook:" // "connect. facebook.net/nb_NO/all",instagram:"//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds",twitter:"//platform.twitter.com/widgets, Pusher: "/ /js.pusher.com/3.0 /pusher.min"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Push:{exports:"Pusher"},JSON:{exports:"JSON"},vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook : {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait seconds: 15, map: {"*": {PubSub "default online: common / js / lib / PubSub" "Serum.Pubsub" : "online standard: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub" "Serum.Plugin": "standard row: Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin" "Serum.Profile": "online standard: / common j s / lib / Serum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":" online standard: common / module / active / Serum.Asset.Img "" serum. Date "" Online Standard: Common / Module / Date / Serum.Date "" Serum.ScrollTrigger ":" Online Standard :! / common js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
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