8500 customers were victims of hacker attacks DN.no


8500 Schibsted customers are affected by data leaks at Aftenposten and Bergens Tidende, owned by Schibsted. He writes Aftenposten.

The data chain that hit Schibsted customers was conducted by Schibsted's Spanish third-party provider, Typeform, which provides online surveys of users.

About 3000 customers Aftenposten and 5500-Bergens Tidende are concerned. Affected customers must have received an email about the incident because they conducted a survey of the users of their diary.

The incident is reported by Schibsted as a computer hacker attack

against the Spanish company Typeform. Five days before clients of Aftenposten and Bergens Tidende are warned of the incident

– The reason it took them so much time allowed them to get an idea of ​​the time. The extent and the clients they had to notify. Many major players have been affected, and some have been informed in the international media, "said Kielland to Aftenposten

Schibsted laments the leak

Director of Communication Camilla Kielland in Schibsted regrets the incident is obviously unfortunate and even though it is through a third-party solution that the data leak has occurred, we are responsible for the users' data.But what it is important to clarify from our side, it is that fortunately, we are not talking about sensitive data, Kielland told Aftenposten

that there is no sensitive data means that passwords and information of payment must not be netted

"No password, payment information or other similar sensitive data is in progress. On the other hand, information such as name, e-mail address and demographic variables such as gender, age range, country, level of education and income household, "says Ingvild Næss, deputy director of Schibsted. ] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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