Lokale hoteller for NHO – NRK Hordaland – Lokale nyheter, TV and radio


Lokale hoteller for NHO

Hotellene Hardingasete in Tørvikbygd, Haaheim Gaard in Tysnes, Ringheim store in Voss, Finse 1222 and Hotel Ullensvang in Lofthus (NHO Reiseliv bildet from Norsk Industri, skriver DN – Barbara van Zanoni Utne VU Hotel Ullensvang [traduction] [6] [6] [6] [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] "common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async", indicates: "common / js / lib / signals", moment: "common / js / lib / moment / moment ", unispring:" common / js / lib /scores/unispring",comscore:"https://static.nrk.no/comscore/latest/comscore.min",text:"common/bower/requirejs-text /text",facebook:"//connect.facebook .net / nb_NO / all ", instagram:" // platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds",twitter:"//platform.twitter.com/widgets ", Pusher: "// js.pusher.com/3.0 /pusher.min"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Pusher:{exports:"Pusher"},JSON:{exports:"JSON" }, vkbeautify: {exports: "vkbeautify"}, facebook: {exports: "FB"}, unispring: {exports: "unispring"}}, waitSeconds: 15, map: {"*" : {Pubsub: "online! standard: common / js / lib / Pubsub "," Serum.Pubsub ":" inline! Standard: common / js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "," Serum.Plugin ":" inline! Standard: type / plugin / Serum.Plugin "," Serum.Profile ":" Online! Standard: Common / js / lib / Serum.Profile "," Serum.Asset.Img ":" Online! Standard: common / module / asset / Serum.Asset. Img "," Serum.Date ":" Online! Standard: Common / Module / Date / Serum.Date "," Serum.ScrollTrigger ":" Online! Standard: common / js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
// require does not want paths with extensions, so they will
function getRequireUrl (url) {
return url.substr (0, url.lastIndexOf (& # 39; .js & # 39;)) || -1;
// A user agent performs a cross-originated HTTP request when it requests a resource from a different domain, protocol, or port than the one from which the user originates. document in progress.
function locationIsCrossOrigin (url) {
var link = document.createElement (& # 39; a),
areEqual = false;
link.href = url;
areEqual = link.protocol === window.location.protocol &&
link.hostname === window.location.hostname &&
link.port === window.location.port;
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function isInDomainList (url, domainList) {
var link = document.createElement (& # 39; a & # 39;);
link.href = url;
return domainList.reduce (function (found, domain) {
back found? true: link.hostname.slice (-domain.length) === domain;
}, false);
var a = "/serum/2.0.328/views-dist";
require.baseUrl = a;
// module configuration
require.config = {
& # 39; type / atlas / Serum.Atlas.Static & # 39 ;: {
ATLAS_STATICMAP_URL: https: //snutt.nrk.no/kart_apps/data_service/1.0/public'
& # 39; common / js / lib / Serum.Statistics & # 39 ;: {
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& # 39; common / js / lib / Serum.Time & # 39 ;: {
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& # 39; common / module / media / Serum.MediaMetadata & # 39 ;: {
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& # 39; common / module / media / Serum.LudoPlayer: {
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& # 39; singelton / microsite / abb / kart / maps:
& # 39; singelton / microsite / abb / tidslinje / Serum.ABB.timeline & # 39 ;: {
& # 39; type / quiz / Serum.Quiz & # 39 ;: {
CONTENT_ID: "1.14113098"
& # 39; common / js / lib / Serum.ForwardNavTracking: {
CONTENT_ID: "1.14113098"
/ * PUB-12597
* Load scripts from other domains with the crossorigin attribute
* set, so that JS error reports improve.
* Now it would be too easy if it were possible for all scripts,
* So naturally there is an exception list.
* /
require.onNodeCreated = function (node, config, moduleName, url) {
var nonCorsEnabledDomains = [
scriptLink = document.createElement (& # 39; a & # 39;);
if (locationIsCrossOrigin (node.src) &&! isInDomainList (node.src, nonCorsEnabledDomains)) {
node.setAttribute (& # 39; crossorigin & # 39 ;, & quot; Anonymous & # 39;);
// PUB-13025 – hack cache for loading jQuery into RequireJS
if (moduleName === 'jquery') {
node.setAttribute ('src', node.getAttribute ('src') + '# cachebust =' + date.now ())
// requires paths from the environment configuration
require.paths = require.paths || {};
require.paths [‘ludo’] = getRequireUrl (& # 39; https: //static.nrk.no/ludo/latest/ludo.js');
}) ();
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