In April of this year, we announced that the first two games of the classic Shenmue series will be relaunched in new versions, and now Sega announced the release date . The games were released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on August 21st.
At the same time, Sega released a new trailer of the new releases, which you can see at the top of the article.
The collection package – simply called Shenmue I & II – according to the publisher, is on the final Shenmue experience. It means some technical and visual improvements, but the players should not expect massive changes from the original versions
Dreamcast Classics
– Reliably reload the originals with modernized features including scaling resolution, modern or classic control system choice, PC graphics settings, an updated user interface and the ability to enjoy the original Japanese or English voice, description of new versions.
Shenmue and Shenmue II are out for Sega Dreamcast The games mix action and adventure in a story that follows young Ryo in search of his father's murder.
The series has never been a great commercial success and even though the plans were ready for Shenmue III, fans had to wait a long time for a continuation. When the game finally appeared on Kickstarter in 2015, he set public finance collection records with $ 6.3 million.
Shenmue III picks up where the predecessor escaped and is expected to come out late 2018. The game is developed for PC and PlayStation 4.
Also read: Sega announced the Mini Mega Drive "[19659011] require.config ({
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