2,474 new campers were registered in the first half of this year. At the end of June, there were 50 896 Norwegian campers on the roads.
Nordmenn bought nearly 900 more campers during the first half of the & # 39; year that & # 39; 2014 [OuibiensûrnoussommessurprisestsigrandLesventesdecaravanesontaugmentéetdiminuéaucoursdelamêmepériodeoùnousavonsenregistréuneaugmentationconstanteetstabledesventesdecamping-carsDansuncommuniquédepresselesecrétairegénéralGeirHolmdelaNorwegianCaravanIndustryAssociationaindiquéqueleschiffrespubliésparStatisticsNorwaylasemainedernièremontrentquelenombredecampeursnorvégiensapresquedoubléendébutd'year
Currently: Never have so many Norwegians have lost their luxury caravan
According to Holm, there are campers under 3500 kilos that can be driven by the most popular regular driver's licenses. Nevertheless, the bigger cars have the biggest increase in sales.
– Big cars have better space, more comfort and more luxury. Many spend as much money in the car as others in the cabin. Then they want the best comfort. With large motorhomes, users bring electric bikes, barbecue, camping furniture and anything else they want on the holiday trip. And they can ride what they want out of equipment – without fear of driving with a nuisance, says Holm.
Currently: Here is a pickup truck, a motorhome and a cabin – in one
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