Alf Ronny's blue eyes reach Norwegian and world records


Blålangen is protected for targeted fishing, but the huge copy of Alf Ronny Kårbø left outside Bømlo on Wednesday is still approved as a new record for Norway

– Of course, it is n & # 39; 39 is not intended for fishing for conserved species. on the biggest fish caught in Norway, and by no means no competition. Andreas Næristorp said in the Norwegian Jury at Hooked

The current Norwegian record for blue eels is 17.47 kilos and was caught in the Trondheim Fjord by Torben Ekseth. April 2016. This catch took place before the species was fully satisfied in Norway, and in an ancient and unclear Norwegian rule, it was not easy to know what is really happening if a larger copy had to be saved.

Blåanger of the sea and fjord is not bound – now need HI test fishermen

Can not be pulled up

Now the rules are updated and appear limpid.

– We are good at Norwegian legislation, and if we know or suspect that it is a targeted fishery for protected species, no registration will be approved. Nevertheless, we know that more protected species in Norway regularly appear as inhuman by-catches when they are fished for other species, and these bycatch may require records if the fish are big enough said Næristorp to Hooked.

He points out that species such as eels and ears, which can withstand catches and falls well, must of course be treated with care and restored as much as possible, as stipulated in legislation.

– Species like blue eyes will be different because they will not withstand the stress of being drawn from the depths. According to the regulations of the Directorate of Fisheries, catches will always be landed if we have blue eyes. The Branch also authorizes ten percent bycatch of the species. This law deals with all types of recreational fishing, including cane fishing, and then we attach to it, he says to Hooked.

Read also: The blue eagle is completely satisfied and fishing targeted by the species is prohibited

Known that there was fish

C & D Was long and smiling Alf Ronny Kårbø was looking for when he fished in the depths outside Langevåg's house in Bømlo on Wednesday. He used to use salmon with salmon, and the fishing was between 300 and 330 meters deep. In the area he received a length of 14.5 kilos earlier, so the belief in the real fish was certainly the place.

At first there was activity, but it was something that had an interest in its bait. when he started shaking.

– I thought for a little while that I was stuck, but then I knew that it was fish. Fortunately, I was prepared with an offshore fishing belt and a good bar, so it was nice. But I knew it should probably be the heavier fish I've ever had. He made a little way, but when he was pressured, things became easier, says Kårbø to Hooked

The fisherman's pulse was enough when the big fish arrived at the boat, because it was neither long nor smiling that had caught the salmon fillet with which he was fishing. On the other hand, a dense separation with blue eyes against the 32-year-old player.

High Frequency Toneleie

After the capture, Kårbø filmed a snap that put the Norwegian fishermen on Facebook. is so high that even people who have never seen a blue eye soon realize that it is serious.

– In the boat, the weight was very important and I saw the 20 several times. I therefore realized that the fish had to be bigger than the record of Norway. Weighing in the country stopped the weight of 18.5, but as it seemed to be a record fish, I would have it weigh to the approved weight, says the fisherman to Hooked.

– I did it until six hours later catching it, then it was 17.76 pounds. The fact that he loses a lot for so many hours is probably normal, but the fish is even bigger than Norway's record, so he's just filling in the papers.

Also read: The Norwegian Record Fish: Obtained the Kayak Dream Fish

The Problem with the Protected Species

Alf Ronny Kårbø with the Huge Blue Eyes, he came out at the Outside Bømlo on wednesday. Photo: Private

Alf Ronny Kårbø with the huge blue angel, he went to the outside of Bømlo on Wednesday. Photo: Privat

As previously written, it has already been problematic to record Norway's records on protected species, but now there have been clarifications in the regulations that provide exceptions in the case of catches accidental. The fish in Kårbø are covered by these changes and therefore have all the prerequisites for approval. It seems that the fisherman himself is amusing.

– It's a bit difficult to have a record for Norway, especially on a deep-sea fish with a small size. I've had the Norwegian fly fishing record a little earlier, but it's nice to have a kilo record behind instead of grams, it's slipping.

The Blåang in Kårbø measured 149 centimeters and totaled 71 centimeters. which is very solid to the nature of being. It's also the biggest 32-year-old fish at home, and a real dream fish for anyone with the heart of nature. Blålange is not as tall as his long parent, and a fish of eight to ten pounds is considered big.

– In Norway, I prefer deep-sea fishing, but it will also be a little closer to the land when not allowed otherwise. In recent years, I have also started looking for fishing opportunities when I go on vacation, and until now, the highlights are the alligator in Thailand, Tiger Tiger in South Africa and Yellowtail in Mexico.

Gedendepurke and the pole board – a fishing weekend outside the system Tungrodd

For the sake of love, the blåang in Kårbø is also larger than the current record of IGFA, which is the world record for sport fishing. Unfortunately, it is so heavy and expensive to record fish at IGFA that records of many species are desperately low.

The least people seem to pay $ 80 to send 15 meters of their laces, harness and weight of the fish, in addition to all the other documents, just to get his name on an extremely inadequate list.

Just in blue is a very solid copy that holds the world record, the legendary fish Øyvind Braa of 16.05 pounds in Trondheimsfjorden in November 1993. If Kårbø hurries to work with IGFA at the Stationery, he drops the 25-year-old world record of the throne.

See also: Mikael received more than a ton of shark from the world's largest prisoner

The case was originally published on Hooked. no

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