Tine fears milky dementia – demands a crisis meeting – Tine – Business


In his letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Union of Norwegian Farmers and the Farmers' Association and the Norwegian small farmers, Tine writes that there is a growing risk of milk loss during the autumn and winter. According to the class struggle

"In many parts of the country, the situation can still be rectified if there is rain in the coming days, but the weather forecast does not indicate any significant rainfall ", writes Tine. The collaboration company adds that customers have begun to worry about their delivery capabilities.

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Norwegian farmers despair of the worst summer drop since 1947. The drought has resulted in a lack of food and many farmers have started cutting down their crews. In the letter, Tine requests a meeting with the ministry and organizations to discuss measures that can boost milk production.

– Tine has not yet decided must give the ministry, which decides such issues. The letter is meant to be a warning about a situation that could be serious, said Eli Reistad, the head of the organization, in Tine to the class struggle.

Tine warned farmers several times of the premature slaughter of cattle. They also offered more than 500 farmers to get running water for the zoo, so that animals could be loaned on udmarkbeite during the food crisis.

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