Trump rages against Google bot from the EU –


– The EU has just fined $ 5 billion to one of our largest companies, Google. They really enjoyed the United States, but it does not last long! Trump wrote on Twitter on Thursday afternoon Norwegian time.

Earlier this week it became known that the EU fine of about 40 billion dollars is implied because the Union believes that Google has banned competitors with its Android mobile device. The EU has also threatened more fines.

– The case concerns three types of restrictions imposed by Google to ensure that all traffic on Android devices goes through Google's own search engine. This practice deprived competitors of the opportunity to compete. It has also deprived European consumers of the benefits of effective competition in the important mobile environment. This is contrary to the EU's competition rules, said Margrethe Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition, in a press release on Wednesday.

DN updates the case. (Terms)

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