The former Nynazist behind the Hadelands massacre sailed for a new murder


One of the men convicted of the Hadelands massacre in 1981 was sentenced and detained for another murder after the founding of a person burned in the Maridalen in Oslo

– We did not succeed identify the victim and wait for answers. Pål police prosecutor Fredrik Hjort Kraby in the Oslo Police District at NTB was detained on Thursday by the man accused of murder and paralysis, as well as the letter, the media and the police. visit ban for the entire period. Kraby also called for complete isolation for two weeks, but held for a week

– The need for isolation is because the investigation is in an early phase and the police feared the l & rsquo; Eviction ", said police prosecutor Edvin Lie (55), formerly known as Johnny Olsen, convicted of the Hadelands murders in 1981.

" Forget the hearings of the police "

Arrived in Oslo court in gray and dressed in jogging.It was exhausted and was in a large part of the prison meeting little aware of what was going on around When the District Judges and the Human Rights Defender asked him if he understood the sentence, Lie answered No.

But when Lie remembered the letter and the l & # 39; ban from visiting, he opened his voice and asked the police lawyer:

Kraby himself takes the storm with overwhelming tranquility

– It's just something we need to deal with, "said the police lawyer after the prison meeting

Do not recognize the sentences

Wants to defend by the lawyer Fridtjof Feydt. The 55-year-old met with Benedikte Jamth, who was named defender in the absence of Feydt on Thursday and Friday. Jamth tells NTB that his client denies the punishment and anchors the lawsuit. She believes her criminal background is irrelevant

A person was found dead in a burnt tent in the Maridalen in Oslo on Wednesday afternoon. A man is arrested and charged with murder and paralysis. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix

A person was found dead in a burnt tent in the Maridalen in Oslo on Wednesday afternoon. A man is arrested and charged with murder and paralysis. Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB scanpix

Kraby however points out that the police have a good evidence base and that it's not just the proximity of the man on the scene that is crucial to the conviction

aiming at the murder. We now call witnesses to the incident and do not rule out that others can be arrested, Kraby says.

Burnt as

On Wednesday, July 18, around 3 pm, a dead man in Maridalen was found. The man who lives now was arrested on Wednesday afternoon and was charged with resignation, police announced on Thursday morning

. Maridalen. When they arrived, it turned out that there was a tent that had burned.

The dead were found a few hundred meters from the fireplace. The police still do not know if the scene is also the scene of death.

On a press release later in the day, police announced that the sentence had been extended and that the man was also charged with murder. The Oslo District Court gave the police support to hold the prison meeting in camera. Jamth and his client wanted the meeting of the prison to be held for open doors

Hadelands killings

Lie lives in Oslo. He is known to the police before, including violence, and was convicted on death row at Hadeland in 1981. Lie and four others, all members of the German Nynorsk Army, stole weapons at the Heime protection. In addition, they stole the 50-kilogram dynamite from Mandal

Facts about the Hadeland massacres

* On 22 February 1981, two men from Oslo were killed on the bridge between Avalsjøen and Leirsjøen in the Municipality Lunner Hadeland. More than 29 shots were fired against both.

* On January 26, 1982, John Edvin Lie, who was then Johnny Olsen, was sentenced to 18 years of imprisonment for both men. Another was sentenced to 12 years in prison. A third person who was not present at the murder was sentenced to 18 years in prison for psychological involvement.

* The people involved were all members of the German Germans in New Germany. The five young men had stolen the weapon from one of the arms shops of the army.

* The group leader, the man convicted of psychological involvement, ordered the killings because he feared that both would surrender to the police. * Two of the convicts, including Lie, were released in 1993. The third son of seven years of judgment.

* On 18 July 2018, a person was found burned and dead at the Maridalen in Oslo. John Edvin Lie was arrested next door and accused of parental leave. The sentence was extended the next day to kill.

However, there was a feud in the group when two of the men who promised the reward for the gun ran the money they thought they were entitled to. Fearing that the two men wanted to go to the police with information on armaments, Lie and two co-orchestras orchestrated what later became the Hadelands massacre.

The men were shot in the neck and later shot 29 times. Lie was sentenced to 18 years in prison but was released in 1993. The other two were sentenced to 18 and 12 years respectively.

Lie was sentenced for the last time in 2014, says Kraby

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