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20.07.2018 09:06
Even the Elves

V65 Bollnäs: – 1 When I had to iron (V65-1), but I had another one that had a high capacity, Bjørn Steinseth began

Steinseth At three horses at Bollnäs, the fourth would have been Häme.

– 14 Spikfaks (V65-5 / DD-1) has the ability as the monks, but got another track in addition. It was a shame. The most important, in any case, far from the gallop is the first 500 meters, they are critical. We need luck in the position war, Spikfaks is lucky and will be fine until they run fast to stay out of the way. He will take part in the coupon, by checking the field of the hedge.

Follows, in V65-6 / DD-2, 8 Spikjuni appears. She has been away for a long time.
– Unfortunately, there was a divorce last fall and she was injured in a garden. In the spring, Spikjuni was operated on, after all was good. We arrived late, sorry, the reason is that she missed many perfect jumps in Sweden this summer. As for the form, it is going up. But not at the top, the mare needs a few strokes in the body before it happens.
– Can she win?
– Yes, I compare Spikjuni to 5 Vangli Lykke who won last and who was good. Vangli Lykke is also better off in the sprint. It is above all 14 My I have respect for.
– Will you go home before leaving for Sørlandet and NM with 1 Lykkje Borka (V75-4) on Saturday?
– We have five more hours in Elverum, more stop to eat sausage and mash "in Orsa, as well as trade in coke and others in the store.It will be good.
– What do you think of the Fight against Ulsrud Tea and Åsrud Vilja Saturday?
– It does not look easy, I feel Lykkje Borka lost formally against A month ago, Steinseth concludes.

* V65 at 12:45 pm
* V4 at 13:27
* The double of today today at 14:09
* Track Code: 31

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