TRAVEL , RESTAURANTS Avoid these restaurants on vacation


with advertising lines

Gunnar Garfors visited all countries of the world. There is always a type of restaurant where it is absent.

Summer is the high season for holidays abroad and therefore also for eating in a restaurant abroad.

But how to find the right place? How to avoid expensive tourist traps and find good culinary experiences? The newspaper spoke with experts for tips to find in the jungle of the restaurant.


A type of place where we could have fallen at once, we believe globe-trotter and journalist Gunnar Garfors, who visited all 198 countries of the world.

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Garfors has never, as a rule, places with so-called launchers. There are employees who stand outside restaurants at popular resorts and try to attract innocent tourists.

– If they need to engage launchers, then there is a reason. I feel like such a place, "Garfors tells Nettavisen.

Foodie and blogger Anders Husa also recommends going past these restaurants.

– Innkastere is a sure sign that the place has no reputation for good food and therefore has to resort to other ways to get guests, Husa told Nettavisen.

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Halvard Alvik
NTB scanpix

Blinking light

Husa think that there are several ways to identify places to avoid.

– Avoid general locations with large flashing signs, menus on the outside, menus on multiple languages, pictures of food or worse – real food plates on display, says Husa.

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Garfors believes that one must be skeptical about the places of major tourist routes, and in addition, to completely empty restaurants.

– I just wanted to go if I had been highly recommended or if I knew I was very early out there. Otherwise, there is anything about the restaurant that is for good and that has nothing to do with food, like sight, food is rarely at same level, he says.

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skeptical to Tripadvisor

Websites like TripAdvisor are popular for many tourists looking for a place to eat. Both Husa and Garfors, however, are skeptical.

– In general, I have only bad experiences with these services. I am unfortunately never proud of the rankings and their best lists. First of all, it is too easy to cheat on a good location and, on the other hand, I do not think that the sum of people's opinions is necessarily a good answer when it comes to restaurants, says Husa.

Garfors believes, in turn, that Tripadvisor is characterized by being very Americanized.

– It makes Americans appreciate, as large portions, characterizing many of the highest restrictions, he says.

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– Talking to People

Garfors believes the best way to find a good place to eat is to talk to locals

– We're not that good if we do not do it. having drunk a couple of glasses. But there are those who know what is good, he says.

Husa prefers to receive advice from people he knows as much as possible.

– For places that are typical destinations, I would like to ask food lovers in advance, as well as check out bloggers who deal with restaurants, says the blogger, who is more skeptical about asking for local.

– When I'm in more tourist resorts, it can sometimes be helpful to ask the locals, although this is also a game of chance since you do not know the taste of the person, says Husa.

Suggest a tip

But if all these tips get too complicated, you can also play the role of starred chef Bent Stiansen, who does only one thing while traveling: using the right guide restaurants Guide Michelin.

Have a clue: Super Chef Bent Stiansen. ARCHIVE PHOTO

– I am always satisfied with their recommendation, both in haute cuisine and low gastronomy. It works very well on a trip. They always deliver the goods, he tells Nettavisen.

– But is not it expensive?

– Neida, they have many different categories. A bit greedy where a menu costs 350 crowns and it's very good. They have all the "rank" of the food. I've never been disappointed, says the starred chef.

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