Mobile payment is only the first step before many new banking services – Bank – Digital


– We deal with Apple Pay and Ali Pay as with everyone and check that they comply with the law on agreements financial statements and guidelines. In addition, we look at marketing, "says Jo Gjedrem, Director of Consumer Protection.

He expects that the major foreign players that settle in Europe have looked at the regulations and adapted the product. The relationship with payment services is well regulated in the EU, and therefore also in Norway. The job of the audit is to verify that the rules are followed

Listen to the podium E24: Tipping or disappearing for Apple Pay

Banks rallied behind Vipps

On The Norwegian Payments Market A few years ago, mCash, Valyou, Mobile Pay and Vipps were among the best-known players.

Since then, everyone has been repressed with the exception of Vipps, which Norwegian banks have accumulated in return. a common front.

Although Vipps became a common and unique solution for retail payments, and payment to associations and some kiosk sales, in-store mobile payments were expected.

There are many reasons for this. The first is that Apple does not allow other players to use the so-called NFC chip in their phones for other payment solutions. NFC is the technology used in both Apple Pay and contactless cards.

Another reason is that BankAxept has not yet been mobilized on mobiles until recently. This is important because the cost of BankAxept is significantly lower for each transaction than the use of Visa and Mastercard networks.

However, BankAxept now exists in Vipps and with contactless cards.

A third reason is that the grocery store has been reluctant to accept contactless cards at the moment, both because of the price and the challenges associated with how to connect mobile payment to customer cards and cards bonus. E24 mentioned in June

While Norwegian companies and many banks were waiting for mobile payment, Apple Pay has crossed the borders in cooperation with Nordea, Santander and Sbanken (formerly Skandiabanken).

For the country, Vipps has focused on billing, an area that Apple and other foreign players are not interested in yet.

There is strong competition among the various players, but the competition varies according to the segment of the payments market.

Think that Apple Pay can be used throughout 2020

The Consumer Inspection follows developments and the departmental director believes that the consumer wants the greatest freedom. ] – From the point of view of the consumer, it is positive if one wants to use the services one for the other without depending on

The Norwegian chief of Nordea, Snorre Storset, believes that Norwegians can use Apple Pay by 2020 to pay for everything.

– The difference is "You do not need to bring the card, you only need the phone and can hold it in front of the ATM, so you pay automatically, says he."

He does not want to comment that his Norwegian banking competitors have chosen to stay out of the way. Banks occupy contactless payments: Soon you can pay with your sunglasses

Large Development

The next major development that comes is payment through payment agents or third parties. Norwegian legislation, which is in line with EU rules, will be in place soon.

– Today, only you and the bank can see in your account and make arrangements. You give an order to the bank and the bank can do something for you. The new law opens to a third party. You can make an agreement with, for example, Vipps, and Vipps can pay from your account regardless of the bank, says Gjedrem, pointing out that it is likely that new institutions and exciting things will happen to the bank. 39; future.

and development as long as the fundamental rights of consumers are respected. It's great that things are easy and fast, but it must be safe, he adds.

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