Increased revenues and profits for Equinor – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


However, despite the fact that Equinor's operating profit is better than last year, analysts forecast adjusted earnings of more than $ 4.5 billion, according to reports. figures collected by Statoil from 22 analysts

. on one shoulder shoot Oslo Børs after about an hour of trading. The price of Equionor drops 0.3%, while the main index increases about as much.

The revenues of the national oil company – which at the time called Statoil – rose from $ 3.2 billion to $ 18.07 billion. quarterly figures presented Thursday morning.

– We create value at higher prices, delivering strong results and cash flow from operations. This quarter, we deliver very strong results from our international operations, while new fields, increased maintenance and a number of quarter-specific elements contribute to somewhat higher costs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf [19659005]. ] – This underscores the importance of a continuous concentration of costs throughout the organization. We are on the right track to ensure our orientation to the capital market.

It is proposed to maintain the dividend of $ 0.23 per share for the second quarter.

Payment will take place in November, and that is also when the company will announce what the dividend will be in Norwegian kroner

The international results are the most enjoyable

At the press conference of the # Business in Fornebu Thursday, CEO Hans Jacob Hegge presents the numbers

– Throughout the quarter, we have gotten new attractive exploration areas, and we have high output at higher prices, says Hegge

According to Mr. Hegge, what is most gratifying, it is the solid result of the international activity

100 billion in the box

He declares that Equinor has never produced so many products off the Norwegian continental shelf. as in this quarter.

The company realized a cash flow of more than 100 billion NOK. At the press conference, Hegge talks a bit about what the company plans to spend for huge cash flow.

– We will seize the opportunities when they are, have an active dividend policy and reduce the debt. jquery "common / cradle / jquery / dist / jquery.min" async "common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async" signals, the pair "/ common js / lib / signals" "common / js / lib / moment / moment ", unispring:" common / js / lib / scores / unispring ", comscore:" ", text:" common / bower / requirejs- text / text ", facebook:" //",instagram:"//",twitter:"//platform.twitter .com / widgets " Pusher: "//"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Push:{exports:"Pusher"},JSON: {EXPORT" JSON "} , vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook: {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait seconds: 15, map: {"*": {PubSub: "online standard: / common js / lib / PubSub "," Serum.Pubsub ":" INLI only standard: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "" Serum.Plugin ":" standard row: Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin "" Serum. Standard ":" profile in a row: / common js / lib / Se rum.Profile "" Serum.Asset.Img ":" online standard: common / module / active / Serum.Asset.Img "" Serum.Date ":" online standard: common / module / Date / Serum.Date " "Serum.ScrollTrigger": "standard in a row: / common js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger"}}};
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