Beginnings as shooting games in Harastølen – NRK Sogn og Fjordane – Local news, TV and radio


From Thursday to Sunday this week, there will be more executives of the play "The Yellow Wallpaper" in the abandoned sanatorium of Harastølen in Luster. Marte Paulsen, who is a newly introduced and beloved actress by Luster, has one of the leading roles. Ho tells that Harastølen is a city that has been curious through education.

– This is the cool place where there are a few ghosts, and you can arrive in the evening to try to see and maybe get in there. It's very cool to be allowed to go here to do enough with this place, the ho win.


HEALTH SPECIAL: Marte Paulsen Meiner It is probably enough anna to play the theater in Harastølen that a typical theater scene

Photo: Sondre Dalaker / NRK

As a result from his beginnings in his hometown, Pauls has advantages and disadvantages

– While being safe because I know a lot of people who support me and support me, it's a little scary because they have never seen me play before, and so it is very special.

Paulsen tells us that it's probably pretty anna to play the play on Harastølen rather than on a typical theater scene.

Any experience with a gong, it is here before. It should not be so much trying to add, as in an ordinary theater where one must find an image itself, win ho.

– An Emotional Journey

"The Yellow Wallpaper" talks about a woman suffering from severe host isolated depression on a room. The play is a psychological thriller, and director Jeff Pedersen tells us that it's a definite plus to be able to set up such a play in a city like Harastølen.

– If the public is preparing to come because of the city, they are well headed that we will take an emotional and psychological trip when they come here. The direct impact of the audience is an important principle in which I succeed, he says

  Jeff Pedersen Harastølen

WORLD IT: The Director Jeff Pedersen says the challenges that involve Harastølen are worth it. [19659005] Photo: Sondre Dalaker / NRK

Pedersen also believes that Harastølen himself can attract spectators to shows. It is time to go a little while before the building is open again to the public.

– There are many who want to see Harastølen, it's an attractive place for the public. It's also nice for us that the last chance to see Harastølen as it is here is to come to our performances.

Like Pedersen, there are also several challenges in creating theater at the sanatorium. Between the two, they have neither the current nor the water, the road is narrow and some parts of the building are not safe.

– There are a lot of challenges, but it's worth it, director of the victory. jquery "common / cradle / jquery / dist / jquery.min" async "common / js / lib / requirejs / plugins / async / async" signals, the pair "/ common js / lib / signals" "common / js / lib / moment / moment ", unispring:" common / js / lib / scores / unispring ", comscore:" ", text:" common / bower / requirejs- text / text ", facebook:" //",instagram:"//",twitter:"//platform.twitter .com / widgets " Pusher: "//"},shim:{Tinycon:{exports:"Tinycon"},Push:{exports:"Pusher"},JSON: {EXPORT" JSON "} , vkbeautify: {EXPORT "vkbeautify"}, facebook: {EXPORT "FB"}, unispring: {EXPORT "unispring"}} wait seconds: 15, map: {"*": {PubSub: "online standard: / common js / lib / PubSub "," Serum.Pubsub ":" standard row: / common js / lib / Serum.Pubsub "" Serum.Plugin ":" online standard: Type / plugin / Serum.Plugin "," Serum .Profile ":" online standard: / common js / lib / Serum .Profile "," Serum.Asset.Img "" standard row: common / module / active / Serum.Asset.Img "," Serum.Date ":" online standard: common / module / date / Serum.Date " , "Serum.ScrollTrigger": "online! standard: / common js / lib / Serum.ScrollTrigger "}}};
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