DNB Markets Brands Turn to Value Stocks


The shareholder Paul Harper in DNB Markets now sees a change in value shares, writes TDN Direkt.

– What is happening now is a worldwide sector rotation of technology and growth stocks and value shares. According to Paul Harper and TDN Direkt, the seafood sector is benefiting, as evidenced by the increase in the seafood index.

The beginning of a major change

Shares have hit growth stocks will continue because growth stocks have largely crossed this value share cycle and if the trend is only temporary or the beginning of a major change remains to be seen in the coming weeks .

If this Harper trend believes, for example, that the tech sector, a typical growth segment, will make it relatively worse, pointing out that cyclical sectors with moderate multiples have not behaved as expected.

– Late Cycles Tend to Have a Mixed Development, says Harper, and he mentions company-specific events, including Hydro.

Interest rates can shorten growth [19]. 659004] Elsewhere, Harper says the oil companies have shown great cost discipline and have managed to cut costs for oil services companies to earn only money

. In addition, Harper believes that since we are behind in the cycle, it becomes important to keep track of inflation, as central banks can set interest rates too high when the price is high. Inflation begins to accelerate and this can send the economy. Entering Recession

– The evolution of inflation is probably the most important factor in determining whether the economy can continue its growth or yesterday in a period where rates of Interest is slowing down growth, Mr. Harper concludes. = function () {
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