So far this year, Data Inspectorate has received twice as many reports of gaps and four times more traffic on web pages. The reason is the new legislation on the protection of privacy
The new EU regulation on the protection of privacy, GDPR, came into effect here on 20 July. This has already been noticed by a multitude of corporate emails that change their privacy conditions. But also to Datatilsynet, there are reports of new legislation
As a responsible oversight body, the data inspection will be informed by companies and companies if they have disclosed their own violations of the laws. rules. Last year at the same time, 189 error reports of this type had arrived, so that so far this year, 499 – almost three times more.
– That's what we expect from new legislation and stricter requirements,
At the same time, traffic on datatilsynet.no is quadrupled
– applies to all with employees
In short, GDPR will allow ordinary people to better control the personal information collected by different companies. about them online. At the heart of regulation, there is a requirement of consent. At the same time, the "right to forget" is introduced. This means that people should be able to request the deletion of personal data.
– Do you have employees, customers or customers, then you process personal information, and then you apply to the legislation. It's like this before, but we find that many have started working on it after GDPR has been widely featured in the media. Husand says, "We are worried about those who have not yet realized the consequences for them"
The most serious consequences of violations of the law can be serious. Companies may be subject to violation fees of up to 20 million euros – or 4% of annual global sales if that is more. Too big international companies mean that fines can reach billions.
– We also had the opportunity to charge fees, and that's something we used. The difference is that there will now be a completely different level of fees. "
Only two weeks after the introduction of the new legislation, the Inspection of the data has not yet received new cases where it was considered
– We We have the impression that GDPR is taken seriously.There are two companies that take this very seriously, while others may not know it hits them. case, says the department director
The printing of the Data Inspection is that many companies have been in the vanguard of the order of their guard before the 20 July Although the pressure was so strong this year, the first week after the introduction was relatively quiet.
– The timing of this arrival in the summer has made it very quiet. "We have not received many more requests than a normal summer week," said Husand about the first week. 016]! Function (e, t, n, c, o, a, s) {e.fbq || = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod? o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments) o.queue.push (argument)} e._fbq || (e._fbq = o), o.push = o, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0" o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement ("script")). async =! 0, a.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js" (s = t.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]) parentNode.insertBefore (a, de s))} ( window, document), FBQ ("init", "762559487244655"), FBQ ("track", "page view")
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