Rana Leaf – Nordland is one of the counties most affected by traffic fatalities


[AVISA NORDLAND] In a press release, the Norwegian Administration of Public Roads states that 55 people have died in traffic up to now in 2018. The same is true in the first seven months of 2017.

Hordaland (7), Rogaland (6), Nordland 5) and Møre og Romsdal (5) are the hardest hit, while the Finnmark did not have a single fatal accident and Østfold a single one up. 39, now this year.

The accidents are scattered and there is no special stretching.

"But those who were killed are older than before." Terje Moe Gustavsen, deputy director, writes Avisa Nordland

22 dead in summer

Provisional figures from the Swedish Road Administration show that 10 of them lost their lives on Norwegian roads – far in July, the same number as last year – during the summer months of June and July, 22 lost the life, two more than last year

– It's more than just numbers and statistics, it's a great tragedy for everyone affected by this accident. " said the deputy director.

Although deaths have declined in recent years, Terje Moe Gustavsen still worries that the traffic of the wounded does not have the same tendency. We follow the ambitious goal of Storting

– We set high targets for road safety in Norway. Should we reach these must work even more targeted, systematic and comprehensive. At the same time, we are completely dependent on the acquisition and use of new knowledge en route

Fortress of MC accidents in the summer

Half of the fatal accidents on Norwegian roads in July were on motorcycles. The road network is worried about the marked increase.

– This is disappointing, but unfortunately it is entering a negative trend. We find that an increasing proportion of people killed in traffic are motorcyclists, "says Gustavsen, while the risk of being killed or seriously injured per kilometer traveled by car has greatly decreased last years. 2011.

Compared to drivers, the risk of being killed or badly damaged 16 times higher for heavy MC. In 2017, 21 people lost their lives on motorcycles and mopeds.

– Despite the negative development, MCS does a lot of good work. We are working with the Norwegian Motorcycle Union (NMCU) with a new strategy to improve road safety for Mc, "says Gustavsen

The lowest fatalities of 71

In 2017, 106 people died in traffic despite a relatively high number of deaths. October, November and December. Pursuing 2018, as it began, according to Vegvesen's predictions, it may be less than 100 killed this year.

– We can go to the lowest number of 71 years. We must go back to 1947 – when 94 died – to find relatively low numbers, says the deputy director.

The worst year was 1970 with 560 dead on Norwegian roads. While Norway currently has only 20 inhabitants per capita, the corresponding figures were 144. In 1965, the traffic was significantly lower than today

Best in Europe

For the third consecutive year, Norway was the safest country in Europe. in terms of road safety in 2017. Norway has become a country that other countries are eagerly awaiting.

– We have been working in a targeted and knowledge-based way for many years. We will continue with that. But it also depends on you and me as road users. If we drive in conditions, stay below the speed limit, remember the car seat and drive non-smokers, we all contribute to greatly increased road safety for ourselves and others, says Gustavsen. [ad_2]
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