Report: Welcome to Utøya


The documentary "Rekonstruktion Utøya" is not only a reconstruction of the horrors that have occurred, but also of society and the participation of young people.

Friday, October 19, the film is ready for a premiere at the cinema Reconstruction Utøya in Norway and Sweden.

The film is directed by the Swedish Carl Javer. He gave four young people a big dark room to rebuild the terrible hordes that they witnessed in Utøya on July 22, 2011.

The physical room was woven compared to Lars von Triers Dogville. And taking in hand to let Eyewitness instruct shooters is used earlier in the documentary The act of killing, which tells of horrible acts from the point of view of the author.

"I was on Utøya when I was young and it's the only film on Utøya that I'm going to see," said a person in the lobby after seeing Reconstruction Utøya at the premiere of Fritt Ord and the debate that followed in Oslo.

Many detectives have always praised the film and said the same thing: it is the most important film about the terrorist act committed in Utøya 2011.

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Fleire Movies that are fun

2018 is the year of the movies taking place on July 22nd.

It starts with Erik Poppe sin Utøya on July 22, which was first in Norway in March.

This month is the first of the Swedish-Norwegian production Reconstruction Utøya and the American movie Netflix 22nd of July.

Sistemnde is based on the book by Åsne Seierstad One of us but is written and directed by Paul Greengrass, who previously worked United 93 about one of the flies that we hit on September 11th.

Netflix movie trailer of July 22 by Paul Greengrass:

Insight from the inside

In the documentary film ReconstructionTip Utøya Director Javér created Erik Poppe and chose a section where he focuses on young people. For two weeks, the film crew and a psychologist met at the Målselv Filmcamp, in Troms, to rebuild the hendants.

The documentary is Swedish is barely random. The policy of our eastern neighbors seems to be even more polarized and high extremism figures prominently on the agenda.

However, when Javier tackles the topics surrounding Utøya, he does not do it as a single understanding. The film crew brought with it a Norwegian co-producer, John Arvid Berger, and was busy supporting the entire abandoned road.

Torje tells the story

These four young people who are praying for the story were contacted via the support group after July 22nd. Svalbard's Torje Hanssen, who was only 14 at the Utøya terrorist attack, is one of them.

The story of Torje and brother Viljer is known from the production of director Paul Greengrass, Netflix 22nd of July and Åsne Seierstad say book. Many tanks will experience the end of Torje's history.

Torje tells the henders chronologically. The result is that Skodespararane lives in the familiar mountain range that Torje can have when he does not know what happened to his big brother.

The two shooters, the survivors and, in some cases, the film crew join in group clashes. Photo: Tour de Force

Group and disco clip

What makes Utøya reconstruction so strong is not so bad that I am so close to the extreme henchmen, but also to the human.

These young scouts who are responsible for rebuilding the tenants take it on our behalf at all, so it is impossible to sit down. Skodespararane responds, shows empathy and asks questions.

Reconstruction Utøya It's still not a rebuilding of the terrible hendants.

I see the participants of the corridors organized jointly under the project in which they are located. It develops a community and a tone that we can easily see is the same as we can see when young politicians engaged meet a burning commitment. There are group and disco breaks.

The Swedish Javier strives to show an open and inclusive community between different young people by giving survivors and those who are rebuilding history an opportunity to meet.

There the American production Netflix 22nd of July portrays AUF-arane as a convulsively happy, singing and fairly homogeneous flock, able to handle the documentary Reconstruction Utøya give an overview of a committed youth community.

Read also: Støre: – The light on Utøya overcomes the black net

July 22 in the shoulder

After the premiere of Reconstruction Utøya Was there a group discussion with politicians from AUF, Raud Youth, Young Right and FpU.

Utøya survivor, Renate Tårnes, once again told us about the hatred that erupted in the fresh water of Listhaug's Facebook publication in our spring. It also means that Norway is a bit afraid of the retaliation of those who led to the decision on AUF and Norwegian democracy.

The young Norwegian politicians from Dei are single about the slogan: "Not a minute of silence, but a life in battle for the dead".

On July 22, No will enter the program and production team hoping to travel to Norway, Sweden and Denmark and show the film for skuleelevar. I hope many people in the county will take the film in their cultural backpack when they will see the film on November 6th.

Torje Hanssen tells himself in the movie that he's so good that he tells a story, the stand is easier to bear. When someone is eager to explain such a story, I have to listen to what he has to say – so that it can come out in such a bad way.

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